Closing The Curtain

by Lori Anne Hale
In this new era God is putting an end to the performance Church by Closing the Curtain | My Daily Letters - MDL

The emerging Church shall no longer be defined by her ‘stages and buildings’, for these are superfluous props to the truly humble. For in this new era of Church history, it shall be My presence alone that believers crave, as the extra filling once used to captivate congregations will no longer be the main attraction, because when My children drink from the new wine I am pouring out in these days, they shall lose the taste for that stale drink which has been offered: the old watered down wine that was filled with unnecessary additives.

I am closing the curtain on the ‘performance’ Church, for the Body which is breaking forth now is not looking to be entertained, but desires only to encounter the fresh revelation that My Spirit is bringing. The lights and theatrical presentations which have been touted as “relevant” in today’s church culture won’t have the same draw as before.

But for this new era of the Church to be fully birthed, tribulation must come against her; and so a season of great travailing shall befall her.

Do My children really think that they’ve suffered real persecution during the pandemic? I say “No”, for that governmental pressure was only the early birthing pains of the more intense pangs that shall surely be felt in the coming days. Many believers have also resigned themselves to accept what has happened in their nation, thinking the current campaign to be over; this is primarily because they have used man’s calendar and time table to set the parameters of the battle. When will they learn that I am not bound by either, and so My plan for this nation is still moving forward?Until God calls for its end believers must stay positioned in this battle from Closing The Curtain | My Daily Letters - MDL

Although the enemy has convinced many to stop fighting, and accept that what has been done cannot be undone, persecution shall come against My people, because he is still actively seeking to put an end to the Church in this nation. And since there is still a remnant contending for My will to be done (those warriors who have yet to lay down their swords in surrender), the battle in the unseen shall spill out and manifest in the physical realm as blatant attacks upon believers.

Then understand, Beloved, that there is no time to rest, for your enemy believes he now holds the higher ground in this nation, which means a full frontal attack is coming. Since, in his estimation, he sees himself having the upper hand, there is no reason to use subterfuge any longer, and as a result, shall openly come after the Church.

Therefore, secure your spiritual armaments, oil your shields, and sharpen your swords. For My valiant warriors, indeed, the battle rages on. Do not listen to any other voices save One, and cast off every message that speaks with a defeatist tone, for you, who march in My lines, have been called “more than conquerors”; know in your hearts that this is true.

So stay positioned and shut out any thoughts of doubt, for if you do not give up and surrender your ground, we shall surely claim the prize of victory at the end of this conquest.

But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” -2 Corinthians 12:9-10

(Received: 1/27/2021)

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