The True Land Of Opportunity

by Lori Anne Hale
Believers must put their trust in the Lord to see our dreams fulfilled as The True Land Of Opportunity | My Daily Letters - MDL

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I am the land of opportunity where your dreams are fulfilled. For in Me there is a certainty of these desires coming to pass, and not just wishes you hoped would someday be, held in a heart longing for better days. 

In most people, there is a yearning for their life to reflect the one they have imagined: one that’s much more than it is in reality: one that mimics the idyllic scenery they carry in their heart, where there aren’t any problems found intruding on the picturesque life they have designed in their heads: the one they have carefully crafted to hold the “perfect” shape, resembling something only found in fairy tales and fables told to children that always conclude with a happy ending, where the main character is avenged of every wrong-doing, repaid for all the evil done to her, as some twist of fate changed the final outcome of her story and caused her life to turn around, ultimately becoming a better version than she had imagined. 

Yet for most, these are only nice stories that bear little resemblance to what they have actually experienced in life. For no shining knight has ever come to their rescue, nor have they encountered an enchanted potion able to break the spell of pain that has kept them a prisoner to heartache. It’s as if these are held captive in a tall, medieval tower with a barred door, locked shut to prevent their escape. Though this cell has a small window within its stony edifice, it does nothing but provide a fracture of light, allowing just a small glimpse of what might lie beyond on the other side of their hardened walls. It was in the first days of confinement, when thoughts of being rescued were prevalent, that hopes of an improved life were still alive in their hearts. Watching for the silhouette of their champion, these kept a lookout off on the horizon for the one who would save them from the humdrum days of their own making. However, after years of disappointment, they stopped expecting any rescue, and dismissed the idea of receiving any aid that could make all their dreams come to pass. So now, with every hope abandoned, they address their days with a more matter-of-fact approach, having laid aside the anticipation of greater fortune, where tomorrow is filled with the prospect of a more satisfying life.

So then, what were once hearts brimming with excitement wherein was held a more optimistic view of their destiny, these have now become dim because too many situations arose which challenged their sunny demeanor, causing their dreams to slowly erode, and diminished every glimmer of hope they once carried, leaving barely a flicker of this bright flame of expectancy that used to burn inside them. For these cannot see beyond their sad existence, and so won’t even bother with the idea of a more vibrant lifestyle. Instead, their attention stays focused on just making it through another day, having missed the unlocked door right before them: the single portal that, when opened, is the exit they have been waiting for: the one that leads to endless opportunities, where dreams can come true because it conjoins with the unfolding plan of My divine will.A life that is truly gratifying is lead by a relationship with the Lord as The True Land Of Opportunity | My Daily Letters - MDL

Sadly, when left to his own devices, what a man creates for himself is only an empty shell, evidenced by the unhappiness he carries inside. For when someone is in the position of living with unfulfilled dreams, there is a longing he holds that cannot be alleviated no matter what he does. Even if he tries to repress these feelings in an effort to forget his youthful ambitions, the yearning to see his dreams come to pass will remain. Yet, as time moves on, these emotions will turn into a form of regret because the goals of his days were never met. So he finds ways to mask the contempt he has for himself for not having made his aspirations materialize, as the distasteful life of mediocrity is now what he has settled on, a life that lacks inspiration, simple and ordinary, containing nothing about it to raise any curiosity in another, nor cause someone else to take a second look in his direction.

Yet, even those who have achieved success (according to the world’s standards) will still be found wanting, that is, if they have set their own goals. For these can’t know true fulfillment either, unless they have partnered with Me, and will always carry a sense of “something missing” inside themselves: the knowledge that somewhere along the way there was something ”more” that, when added to their life, would make it feel well-rounded (as if the very center of a pie was missing, hollowed out, leaving a hole directly in the middle, one that they were powerless to fill). 

Without Me, no matter how life plays out, a person’s dreams are narrow and limited because no other sits with My high view, and so are incapable of seeing the infinite store of possibilities just waiting for them. Once a heart has been joined to Mine, once it is set in My care, those modest ideas an individual holds are broadened to take up the empty space carried inside. For only I hold the power to make each wish a reality. And, because My creative abilities are endless, I can take every dream into the place of “exceptional”, and develop a life into “extraordinary”. When a life is infused with a dose of My imagination, there are no set boundaries that can limit where these dreams can go. 

I am known to do the outlandish, and am prone to do some amazing feats that have inspired many to seek out My friendship simply because they have seen what a collaboration with Me can accomplish. So then, there is no reason for anyone to live with unfulfilled dreams, held in a heart of quiet despair. For regardless of their age and the passage of time, I still possess the might and ingenuity to take those unsatisfied musings and turn them into a reality. 

So to those who have let go of their visions as something too big, and therefore out of reach, I say, let’s join forces! For the partnership I have in mind will revive the ambitions of your past by infusing each one with My divine outlook as the reference point for your future, so that you, too, can experience the impossible and know the feeling of living a life that is deeply gratifying.

“Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21

(Received: 5/10/2019)

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