Modern Day Cretans

by Lori Anne Hale
Those who have fallen hard into sin believers should not judge like Modern Day Cretans | My Daily Letters - MDL

The Cretans were a people with a sullied reputation, those who were known for their shiftless behavior. Yet, even these were not too far gone to know salvation. And though considered a worthless bunch, when confronted with the Truth, many yielded their hearts to the Savior, for even a “Cretan” can know redemption.

Then who amongst this generation of mankind is so debased in their ways that My Son’s redemptive blood cannot save them? For didn’t His death on the Cross for the sins of humanity include even the vilest offender?

This “Good News” means none are precluded from My forgiveness should they turn towards repentance in their hearts. Then believers should resist the urge to render judgment against their fellow man, thinking they can rightly determine who would accept or reject My Son as Savior. For only I can see into the heart of an individual.

Therefore, which of My children, when evaluating the life of another, can give a definitive answer as to whether they have rightly assessed if this person will join the elect? The correct response would be, “none”. For not a single one who is Mine has been given this full revelation, and so should not assume their own counsel is better qualified to discern the proximity of a person’s heart to the Cross. For while some may seem miles away from traveling up the ‘Road to Calvary’, only I can rightly judge this distance.The Savior covered every transgression of man with His blood even Modern Day Cretans | My Daily Letters - MDL

So don’t look at the “Cretans” of today and assume these evildoers are doomed because their sins are too egregious for the light of My love to reach them. This is nothing but a false narrative spoken by the enemy, as an attempt to keep My own from agreeing with Me in prayer for those who are immersed in evil.

Because it is true, when spilled, that the blood of My Son covered every transgression of man, then even those who inhabit the darkest caverns of debauchery and licentiousness can become sons and daughters, where the ones who live in the cesspool of sin are found standing with those whose souls are secured eternally in My grace.

Therefore, Beloved, do not judge another with the sight of your natural eyes, but instead see those, who live as did the Cretans of old, through the lens of restoration; viewing them as who they will be once their souls rest in ‘Mercy’s Cradle’.

Contend then for those who have fallen hard, no matter from what walk of life they hail: whether they be those you know personally, or are just infamous within society. Don’t hold contempt in your hearts for these, wishing the hot coals of judgment would fall on their heads. Instead, pray that they encounter My love and mercy before it is indeed too late because they have crossed the threshold of death, where every opportunity for contrition and repentance have been exhausted. For none who are numbered amongst the elect should ever desire to see anyone face final judgment without the covering of Christ’s blood, as not a one who is now Mine can boast of their own good reputation being the reason they were saved.

Therefore, in the coming days when the conduct of others reaches an all-time low, know that this is because the turmoil in this season shall act like a magnet within the citizenry, pulling to the forefront those who are already steeped in immorality. Guard your hearts, then, from rendering judgment, and instead remember from whence you came, praying for these who have embraced a Cretanous lifestyle, so that they, too, can know the joy of salvation in their souls.

“For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.”Titus 2:11-14

(Received: 11/9/2020)

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