Big Tech Stronghold

by Lori Anne Hale
To stop the progression of the Church social media is being used as a weapon by a Big Tech Stronghold | My Daily Letters - MDL

Very few are even aware when they fall into a trap set by the enemy, for he uses “enticement” as the lure for baiting his hook, which is why man is so easily caught up in his evil schemes.

So then when social media was introduced into the households of America, not many discerned the evil that would come through these platforms. While most saw it as a way to easily connect with friends and old acquaintances, none could have guessed that these seemingly innocuous internet sites would be used as weapons against the citizenry of this nation.

However, the enemy saw this as his chance to set up a wide blockade, one that would imprison those whose voices spoke out the Truth. For not only did he entice most in the country to form a dependence on these platforms as their main source for sharing information, but he also ensnared the heads of these companies by suggesting they leverage their power against any who have a differing political or religious stance.

And so, while young and old alike were busy setting up personal profiles as the means to link with friends, a concerted effort was being made by social media giants to establish barriers within their platforms to stifle free speech in this nation. Code was written, and algorithms created, to pop up in their systems as a sort of warning, one meant to flag any post they deem offensive.

For this reason, a small battle is being waged between these tech giants and some in Washington, a battle that should not be ignored. My own must pay closer attention to this skirmish, for this is a stronghold that the enemy has built to impede the progression of the Church.

To see this evil alliance topples over a unified effort must be put forth against this Big Tech Stronghold | My Daily Letters - MDL

Since this internet wall is unbreachable by the ordinary person, getting past its well-fortified structure is impossible, for unless someone can crack their code, this carefully constructed blockade will remain standing.

Therefore, a unified effort must be put forth to see this stronghold is toppled over. And since it is not just a physical barrier, the most effective way to see this done is by attacking it with spiritual weapons. The spirits of arrogance and manipulation need to be cast out so that the evil collaboration created by those who head these platforms dissolves. For these men who have thought themselves to be clever, have been corrupted by a thirst for power, which is the reason they agreed with the voices of these evil spirits to begin with.

Then lay hands on your computer devices, and assert your authority over these demonic spirits. Take hold of the airwaves where this barrier was erected and state, “You shall not remain, in Jesus name!”.

Next, address the evil alliance formed by these tech giants, and make the declaration that they would turn upon each other, causing their partnership to crumble all the way down to its foundation.

If My children will fight this battle now, then just as before, when My people were sent out to apprehend their enemies (those who hid behind thick barricades and blockades which seemed impenetrable), so it shall be today, for this wall, will indeed, come falling down.

“God will bring down their pride despite the cleverness of their hands. He will bring down your high fortified walls and lay them low; He will bring them down to the ground, to the very dust.”  Isaiah 25:11b-12

(Received: 11/2/2020)

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