Subterranean Pests

by Lori Anne Hale
To an otherwise sturdy structure small termites can inflict major damage from Subterranean Pests | My Daily Letters - MDL

The subterranean termite is a nasty creature, for its sole purpose is to devour anything made from wood.

And because that’s its only task, this small pest is focused on nothing else than eating his favorite delicacy twenty-four hours a day. Although his physical appearance is nothing to boast about, none should underestimate the destruction this pest can cause to a structure. For if he is not stopped in time, then the damage caused is oftentimes unrepairable, leading the property owner to take extreme measures to be rid of this pest if he hopes to salvage anything from his structure.

So then, to maintain what rightfully belongs to him, most property owners will call in a specialist whose expertise is in dealing with creatures of this nature. In like manner, when someone is ill, that person seeks the advice of a physician; or when their automobile has issues, the advice of one who is well versed in car repair is sought in order to restore the vehicle back to smooth running condition.

Then it would stand to reason, and make perfect sense, that when a sound structure is infested by this, or any other form of pestilence, that an outside source who holds the right credentials is sought for their guidance on how to proceed and intervene in the removal of this pest.

And while some may think themselves pretty handy, and thereby, attempt their own strategy for eradicating this pest from their property, without a more knowledgeable understanding of this creature’s specific habits, the property owner, unfortunately, will not know success. For though he may have some general understanding of the patterns of regular termites, it takes one who specializes in pest removal to fully exterminate an infested structure, as the specific characteristics of this particular species requires that a certain technique must be used on its habitat. For this pest likes to burrow into the ground underneath the structure he is planning to attack, building tunnels within the earth as a form of protection, and keeping his movements virtually concealed.

So then if this is true in the physical realm of mankind, where his land and property can be destroyed by an undermining force, one that is concealed from view, it would then stand to reason that the same scenario exists in the spiritual realm as well, since I intentionally bring forth divine revelation of the unseen by way of man’s natural surroundings.The Constitution of this nation is aggressively being attacked by a demonic force of Subterranean Pests | My Daily Letters - MDL

When I speak of these common occurrences in the life of mankind, it is always to draw a picture of the flow that exists within the spiritual dimension. And since human beings by nature are unable to fully comprehend this realm and its workings, I offer simple descriptions based either on man’s limited knowledge or on what he already knows, helping him understand what he couldn’t possibly discover on his own. The previous description of a burrowing pest was given to reveal what is actually happening in the unseen realm in this nation, where a demonic force has been working in a most aggressive manner to undermine the Constitutional structure of this Republic.

And so like those termites which infiltrate a property from underneath, these evil pests have come up through the very foundation which this country was built upon, and have begun chewing up the solid framework of laws designed to support sovereign liberty given to each of her citizens.

Yet this demonic infestation is nothing new, for one doesn’t have to look very hard to see the evidence of their presence in years past. And just like a homeowner who ignores the signs that their property is under attack, the American people, in recent days, saw small attacks on their freedoms pushed through by some of their leaders as laws that gradually added limitations on their liberties. Most citizens did not, however, consider that demonic forces were behind the scenes influencing these decisions; these are the evil pests that have gone mostly unchallenged for years.

This is why, in the current season, this nation and Constitution appear to be compromised, for surely this land of freedom is now in a weakened state, causing a feeling of uncertainty to flood the atmosphere.

However, even when a demonic infestation such as this is neglected, that does not mean it’s an impossible task to rid the nation of their influence and effects, for not only am I able to clear out their nests and tunnels, but am also able to bring restoration to those parts of her framework that were damaged, returning that sense of stability back to her people. Because I am an expert on all things, both physical and spiritual, shouldn’t My wise counsel be sought in order to see this nation is no longer troubled by these evil spirits?The enemy cannot take away the sovereign liberties given to mankind from Subterranean Pests | My Daily Letters - MDL

Yet, only a few thought this a prudent course of action, since most have come up with their own strategies for battling these spiritual pests. But how can anyone who does not possess My discernment possibly be certain his plans are best, especially when he cannot see the enemy force he is attacking?

Therefore, based on their previous experiences with the demonic, let none who are Mine run ahead, thinking they already know how to overcome this spiritual infestation, as I have a specific plan for clearing out this nest; which means My own who are listening should wait upon Me for instructions.

So then consider this: just as an expert in the field of natural pests uses special chemical sprays to ensure maximum coverage of the infested area, knowing that these pests cannot withstand contact with the chemical properties for very long, neither can the demonic pests maintain a close proximity to My light as it penetrates into their nests and tunnels.

Therefore, My own must stand facing their nation’s capital, and with their voices raised, declare from whom their liberties were given, and let the song of freedom I place in their hearts be sung out loud, allowing the words to create a shift in the atmosphere, forcing those demonic pests to flee.

Then indeed stand with your face pointed towards Washington! And as you do, with a symbolic, yet effective gesture, place your right hand on your heart, stating to all that you pledge your honor to Me alone. Then with your voice, proclaim to these evil spirits, “It is the Sovereign Lord who has given me freedom, and therefore, not you nor any of your allies can take it away”!

And after you have declared this a few times, let My Spirit lead you into song, for this melody which rises within your being shall manifest Truth out into the spiritual airwaves running through the heart of this nation.

Declare and sing! Declare and sing! For the Almighty has come to make quick work of your enemies!

“Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7

(Received: 9/23/2020)

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