Cleaning Out The Bog

by Lori Anne Hale
Engulfed in the murky waters of corruption is the political sector from Cleaning Out The Bog | My Daily Letters - MDL

A disruption is coming to the Democrat ticket, for the allegations against the former Vice President can’t be ignored any longer. This man who sought the presidency has been found out, for he misused his position when he was the sitting Vice President to aggrandize himself and his family’s wealth.

Although it is a common practice in the political sphere of society to peddle influence like a commodity, the former VP and his family took this a bit further than most when selling his clout. Yet, even with the case against him mounting, where undeniable evidence has linked him to unethical business dealings, this former VP seems to be unscathed by these latest developments. However, if the shoe were on the other foot, and this disgraceful conduct was connected to the sitting President, he would receive such intense backlash that his only choice would be to resign.

But since the game of politics is played with an uneven hand, those who step into this arena must cast off any thoughts of “fairness”, for there is no referee to make sure that both the rules are followed, and that every participant, no matter the side, uses sportsmanlike conduct at all times.

So because this is true, how can the American people have any confidence in those they vote into office? Who is there among these bureaucrats that isn’t tainted with corruption in some form or another?

Though some have entered the political sector with the high ideals of cleaning this swamp, most of these either leave disgusted by the bog that is Washington, or they themselves are engulfed in its murky waters, as power and greed are a strong concoction which very few are able to resist. The longer an individual swims in this political mire, the more their life is affected by its stench, for this channel has become so polluted that draining it seems the only option.In Washington many politicians have been taken over by power and greed from Cleaning Out The Bog | My Daily Letters - MDL

Yet those who dwell in this filthy bayou have no interest in seeing it changed, as they have grown quite accustomed to existing in this marsh, and are quite content to have it remain exactly as it is.

Therefore, I raised up this man who is President, for I knew it would take someone from outside this filthy swamp to clean it up. And though this one I have chosen to lead this effort does not have a virtuous past, who among My children are without spot or blemish? For don’t I usually pick the most unlikely person to accomplish My plans for the earth?

Then if an uneducated fisherman and a Roman zealot were selected as Christ’s disciples, why wouldn’t this brash man with a checkered past be asked to carry out this task of draining the swamp known as Washington? 

Again many believers are looking at this election with the wrong perspective, for these have assumed the short-sighted view by voting from a position of self-interest, instead of discerning My larger vision, which is to clean out the corruption that has overtaken this government. Then electing the former VP will only perpetuate the lawlessness and treasonous behavior that is running rampant through the halls of these legislative branches, for he is part of the problem I am trying to solve.

And so, this sitting President won’t be the last I shall raise up outside this national beltway, for from amongst the Church I shall ask men and women of excellent character to challenge those who have made a career out of politics.

Understand then that this season of adversity did not arise simply because of a pandemic. No, these days were set as a time for cleaning “House”, where those who have seemed to be solid fixtures among the political elite will be swept out of these chambers like cobwebs knocked from the corners of a dusty, dirty home.Sweeping through the government God is removing old political fixtures from Cleaning Out The Bog | My Daily Letters - MDL

Therefore, remember this, My dear children, that when it appears darkness will prevail, that the sky is always the deepest shade of black just before dawn; which is why you must not stop, but persist at fighting against the evil in Washington with your weapons of spiritual warfare. Don’t consider this battle over just because the President is reelected, as this is not My ultimate objective. For I aim to see My name honored as Most-High in this nation, and that includes each branch of the government: those once hallowed halls which have become shrines to Mammon because believers were both told and then accepted that I did not belong in these government buildings.

So let My children not stray from the battlefield, for our combined force is key to seeing an abrupt change in this government, where each politician steeped in corruption is exposed.

Enough is enough! I have had My fill of these deceptive politicians and their abuse of power. Therefore, declare the President has won, and that through him My will to clean out both houses is done, so that I am able to then fill these vacancies with men and women who have integrity: those who hold to My same vision, which is to see this nation restored to her original greatness.

Look beyond the immediate fight to the broader landscape of this battle, for winning these small skirmishes leads to the victorious end of the entire war. Don’t settle, therefore, for just seeing the President re-elected, but let your prayers extend beyond this moment. Do not rest in your warfare until you see a shift in Washington, where this government and her officials revere My name as Lord and King, just as in the time of her founding.

And though some may feel I should be more conciliatory when it comes to the governments of man, My convictions will not be appeased on this matter until My name holds the highest honor within the United States of America.

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”-1 Corinthians 10:31

(Received: 10/27/2020)

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