A New Era

by Lori Anne Hale
God is reshaping and reforming the Church during this season from A New Era | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then indeed the Church has entered a new era, which means the way in which believers have grown accustomed to flowing and functioning together cannot remain.

So while congregations sang about “new wine”, most did not recognize that this was a prophetic utterance being sung from their mouths, declaring the change I was soon to bring upon My Body. And while the Church sang along with this popular tune, few actually understood what “the crushing” and “the pressing” would mean for believers in the near future.

Yet as they entered this season of adversity and affliction, most of My children fought against what My hand was doing, which was that I was actually ridding the Church of her old wineskin. So while many declared, through their worship, that they were willing vessels for whatever I wanted to do, most did not understand the full implications of these lyrics.

So when they raised their hands and proclaimed their hearts surrendered to My plan, I agreed with their words and began breaking apart the fallow ground so that My vineyard would be ready to produce a fine wine distinct for this new era. However, when the pandemic hit, forcing the shut down of churches, My children focused upon what was lost, and how these closures would affect their usual fellowship and gatherings. Then fighting back against the government’s lockdown became the agenda of many Christians, where protests were held demanding their doors be reopened.To receive new wine God is readying the Church for A New Era | My Daily Letters - MDL

But what My children missed was that I had come, as they had asked, to rid them of their old wineskin, and squeeze out every last drop of the outdated vintage from the past. Yet because most were railing against a perceived injustice because their constitutional rights to gather were being denied, they were oblivious to what was happening in the spiritual realm concerning the Church, and therefore, misread the signs declaring that I am about to usher in something new.

And though many have heard revival has been promised, what most don’t understand is that for this Great Awakening to arise, the old and outdated operation of the Church must be completely thrown out, no longer stifling the way I desire that she functions. Then My own would do well to recognize where I have the Church standing, for she is undergoing the exacting pressure of My hand upon her, readying believers to receive the new wine I have prepared for this next era.

So a reshaping and reforming has come to My Body, for I am not satisfied to leave her just as she is, which is why My children must stop resisting what I am doing now. Therefore, regard these days as necessary to My rendering process, where believers discover their true calling, which is not to just sit in a pew on Sunday mornings. In order for the Church to fulfill My vision of the fitting Bride for My Son, she must go through this time of transference, where the old is exchanged for the new I am ushering in.

Don’t fight against the greater pressure when it comes, but let your hearts maintain a surrendered state. Then, as you yield yourselves to My plan, allowing Me the room to move within each one of you, surely those who humbly offer themselves to Me shall know an even greater awakening in their souls.

Also, don’t become disappointed when you again are faced with church services being suspended, but remember that when this time comes, I am working out My will for the Church within these shutdowns. Therefore, open your hearts and your homes, for I am eager to bring My children forward into this whole new era of the Church.

“Neither is new wine put into old wineskins. If it is, the skins burst and the wine is spilled and the skins are destroyed. But new wine is put into fresh wineskins, and so both are preserved.” Matthew 9:17

(Received: 9/16/2020)

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