Pigs Led To The Slaughter

by Lori Anne Hale
Against the political spirit that wants to harness this nation believers must continue fighting from Pigs Led To The Slaughter | My Daily Letters - MDL

And so it is the nature of swine to roll in the mud, as these lowly creatures rather enjoy wallowing in this kind of sludgy environment, lazing about like gluttons who are content to remain in their pen. After all, there’s no reason to escape when the trough is constantly replenished with scraps from their masters table.

Then what an easy life it is for swine since their only responsibility would seem to be about increasing their size, as its whole existence is about providing a source of sustenance for the farmer. Yet because the swine has been seduced by his comfortable living conditions, he is blind to the reality of his situation, and is, therefore, unable to discern that the farmer’s show of care is really a selfish act, as the farmer’s first concern is to fulfill his own needs.

Like pigs led to the slaughter, so, too, are those who put their trust in man-made governments: those who demand loyalty and see the citizenry as essential to keeping this system alive. For those who espouse that the role of a bureaucracy goes beyond safeguarding the population are being fooled, as this idea only leads to the loss of fundamental human rights. But because this rationale is mainly concerned with comfort, giving up some freedom is a small price to pay for the benefits which unitary rule promises, for with just one party at the helm guiding this land, then surely an easier life can be had by all.

Unfortunately, the belief that a utopian society is a real possibility has caused many to put their hope in a more centralized government, which, in their opinion, is thought to be an easier way to run the country. These believe it might restore a sense of solidarity back into her people, for if the whole system were nationalized, giving the federal government complete authority, then the chaos of the past year could surely be avoided in the future, as every state would follow the same laws without any exceptions or deviations.

Then like swine who live in a pen, this population would have even greater restrictions placed upon their lives, because those who shall push this agenda desire to grab more power, and as such, are looking to erase state borderlines so that the only governing body is at the federal level. The push for this has already begun, and so My warriors must stay alert, for your warfare shall prevent the massive takeover of your nation. This is why it is imperative that My soldiers continue to stand against the dark one, for those who are asserting their authority are not planning to give up control of the government again, and are maneuvering to secure their position as the head.

Then pray against this political spirit, for its desire is domination and control. Pray that the harness it is trying to place upon the republic is broken off, and that its grip is loosed from the governmental reigns at the federal level where it is trying to increase its authority.

So keep fighting, keep pushing onward! For it is the efforts of My valiant warriors that shall see that the governing of this nation is given back to the people once again.

“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” Colossians 1:13-14

(Received: 2/7/2021)

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