Let My People Go

by Lori Anne Hale
Against the governmental spirit that is attacking this nation believers must contend from Let My People Go | My Daily Letters - MDL

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With masked faces they stand behind this official podium as if these facial coverings could hide the contempt they hold for this republic. And though their message carries a conciliatory tone, behind these thinly veiled words lie evil intentions.

Oh how clever the enemy thought his plan was, for to mask the whole nation would be quite a useful distraction because he knew that the fear of death would cause many to focus on their own safety, thus keeping them from recognizing the true threat to this nation. For those that are pushing the status quo (which is to stay masked until they give the all clear) have manipulated the public into believing their reasons are humanitarian and meant to protect the population, yet their hearts are really filled with deceit and selfish ambitions. 

Those who have erected an artificial platform built upon the evil works of their own hands are not to be believed. For while their pleas to stay hidden behind masks sound earnest at best, those who have a critical eye can see their story is not adding up. The use of intimidation has kept most from straying away from the government’s pandemic rules, even when it is plain that the politicians have overstated its effects on the public, as the scenario they depicted is nothing like what is happening. But because the water of reality has been purposefully muddied with negative commentaries about percentages and numbers, the true health condition of the nation is difficult for most to ascertain.

And so, obligingly, the population follows along, with many convinced the government knows best, and any who do not comply have, therefore, caused the virus to linger. After all, “responsible citizens” would strictly adhere to the prescribed guidelines, since, to quite a few, masking is now considered a caring gesture, showing concern for their neighbors well-being ahead of their own. Although putting others’ needs first is Christ-like behavior, to live as Him is never forced upon believers, for true compassion is a matter of the heart and cannot be demanded.

Yet, these self-proclaimed leaders have equated “masking” as virtuous and those who reject this assertion should be ashamed, for only the truly selfish would put the lives of others at risk. And since this ruse has proven to be quite effective, none should be surprised to see it continue, for those who have taken power have personally benefited from this farce, and therefore have no intention of ending it now. And though there is a real virus that is running through this nation, it does not pose the same threat as do those who have taken charge, for here is where the real danger lies.

Then as it was in the days of Moses where I sent him to stand before Pharaoh, so My children must stand up to this ‘spirit of Pharaoh’ and demand he let go of this nation, as his fingers of control will only tighten the longer he is given the room to operate.

Therefore, assert your authority over his presence and break the dominion he is holding. Keep in mind that this stubborn demon shall take some convincing to leave, for along with fear, a political spirit has also invaded this nation, one that breeds oppression wherever it goes. You must tell this demonic spirit to be gone and demand that he release his hold from this people and nation.

Then the Lord said to Moses, Go into Pharaoh and say to him, Thus says the Lord, Let My people go, that they may serve Me.”-Exodus 8:1

(Received: 2/10/2021)

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