Hanging Chad Deja Vu

by Lori Anne Hale
Contentious is this election year bound to be from Hanging Chad DejaVu | My Daily Letters - MDL

The impudent air carried by many of the Washington elite has left a negative impression of the President among quite a number of Americans.

And so, because this insolent attitude has run rampant amongst political insiders, their unvarnished sentiments about his leadership and personal conduct have caused an unease to develop within certain segments of the population, those who can easily be swayed by popular opinion. This demographic, found in the middle and made up of those who aren’t loyal to either party, is the one that these demagogues are after, for they know that if these likely voters can be swayed, then the President will, more than likely, lose.

This is why it’s not surprising to see those with some notoriety and political clout marched out in front of the crowds where these individuals are found, doing interviews, discussing their views on the President’s job performance and stating their reasons for endorsing the other candidate.

So just as it is in every election season, once the nominees are selected, each party involved begins slinging mud at the other side, hoping to bury the opposition in a pile of salacious allegations in an effort to expose their supposed ineptitude, therefore hoping to make clear why they should not be taken as a serious contender for the role as president.

Then for the American public, that season is upon them. However, this year won’t end with the two candidates shaking hands in agreement over who won the race. The one who loses this time around won’t easily concede the election; for this candidate and her party won’t give up, and, as such, shall contest the President’s re-election.The Supreme Court judges believers should be praying for from Hanging Chad DejaVu | My Daily Letters - MDL

Though this scenario may seem unlikely to some (because most who have lost their bid for election conduct themselves with more dignity and honor), this, unfortunately, isn’t the case to be found anymore in Washington. As a result, the American people are in for a much longer and more drawn out political battle than most are expecting.

Because this disagreement between the two parties shall drag on, the contentious nature of their debating shall incite more anger within the general public, to the point where average everyday citizens are found clashing against one another, using more than mere words against the ‘offender’ simply because he believes differently about who should be president.

And so those areas in the nation already prone to riotous behavior shall see a surge of violence as the unrest increases on their streets. And like a wildfire that is out of control, the flames of hatred shall quickly spread into the suburbs and outlying communities, for the fuel of perceived injustice has already been spread, set as kindling to stoke the heat of this blaze until it threatens to devour the entire nation.

“Peace, peace!” shall be the words heard echoed throughout the population as the people seek to unify their country once again. However, the dispute amongst their leaders won’t be solved using conventional methods, for each side shall have a parade of legal minds who will present streams of arguments as to which ballots should be counted and which should be cast out. For just like the conflict that ensued over “hanging chads”, hours upon hours shall be spent disputing the legitimacy of the votes tallied.

Then how can one emerge the clear winner when the outcome is so intensely disputed? Who shall have the last word on this matter?In this election pray that Gods will is done from Hanging Chad Deja Vu | My Daily Letters - MDL

If the ways of those in charge are corrupt and filled with deception, how can an upright decision be made? Will even the one chosen to preside over these hearings be found in the same debased state, or shall he judge the outcome with an honest and fair reading of the facts?

So one has already been selected to be the arbiter over the election; this man who sits in the highest court in this land. It shall be upon his shoulders to decide which candidate is given the title of President. However, though this judge wears the robes of an honored institution, sadly, his approach to the bench to which he was appointed comes with a predisposed bias, for his hands, too, are filled with the same corruption found in many politicians, and therefore, his decisions can be bought for a price.

Yet the heart of this judge has not completely hardened, and is, therefore, still able to hear his conscience. This means that, if My children bathe him in prayer, this judge is more apt to do what is right and fair.

See to it, then, that this judge is added to your list of prayers. Let specific warfare begin for him so that he doesn’t succumb to the political pressure of this battle, but truly stands on the merits of the case, weighing the arguments from each side against the other. Pray that his thoughts are not clouded by his own desire about who should win.

Ask that I uncover the deception that has already infected this election season, for there are some political operatives who have found ways to cheat the system. Pray that these efforts are exposed and that their phony ballots are discounted, for the corruption is running through the “Registrar of Voters” in many counties of this nation.

Therefore, remain in your warrior’s stance a little longer, for it shall not be long before the heat of this conflict touches every corner of America. So again, I ask those who are faithful to Me, to contend and ask that I shorten the length of this season!

“For I the Lord love justice; I hate robbery and wrong; I will faithfully give them their recompense, and I will make an everlasting covenant with them.” Isaiah 61:8

(Received: 9/9/2020)

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