Change At The Top

by Lori Anne Hale
In the upcoming election an October surprise is planned by the democrats with a Change at The Top | My Daily Letters - MDL

An October surprise has been planned for the Democrats in this nation, those who are hoping to overturn the President’s run for re-election.

And so these cunning politicians have devised an underhanded strategy, one that is meant to legitimize their candidate as the best person for the job. Yet the individual they are now endorsing is not only deficient within his moral character, but his mind is in a state of decline because his body is feeling the effects of old age. While he used to be sharp as a tack, his diminished state shall only further degrade due to the mental strain he is now under. Like any other person who is suffering from an age-related illness, added stress to their lives causes their cognitive regression to be more apparent.

Although the press is trying hard to cover for him, soon it will be very telling that this former Vice President is not fit for office; which means his running mate will assume the lead position on the Democratic ticket, for she is already prepared to step in as his replacement. Because most Democrats have adopted the same motto which is: “stop Trump at all costs!”, and with the election date looming, they will have little choice but to rally around this woman who is already on the ticket.

So while this turn of events will shock most Americans, yet for this woman and those who lead her party, the plan to make a sudden switch in candidates was given consideration months ago. Then it shall be out with “Ole Joe” and in with this younger woman, even though the members of her party originally declined her as their presidential nominee. (This is because the platform she ran on was too progressive for most liberal Democrats.)

But what are they to do so late in the game when the one they had settled on is not fit to hold public office any longer? Well, whether or not they are pleased with this choice, like soldiers following orders, most in her party will check the box next to her name, for these are fearful that if the President wins again, this country will no longer be a democracy but a dictatorship.

Unfortunately, these have been listening to the wrong voices, and therefore, have been fooled into believing the opposite of what is really true. So because quite a few who identify as Left-leaning are terrified by the thought of the President remaining in office, they will gladly vote for any other alternative if it means getting rid of him.So that the corruption in this next election is exposed believers are instructed to pray from Change at The Top | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then this election cycle is about to become even more volatile and heated as the Right and the Left fight over how to proceed with the election process once the former Vice President is deemed incompetent. While many have denied this fact to be true, his poor showing on the campaign trail, though a rather limited road, will only further prove he is in no state to lead this nation.

Yet, this sad news won’t stop the election from happening, which means the polling stations will be open for business, giving the American people another chance to vote for a leader, and decide the direction their country is headed.

Then, are both this nation and her people left in the hands of fate, or do I have any say in how things shall unfold? 

Since mankind is given free will, he has the ability to make his own choices. As a result (though I am able to influence his decisions), it is ultimately up to him to agree with Me or not. But unless those who are Mine seek out My will, how will they know what I am saying or know how to pray?

Then, to see My plan for this nation come forth involves My interaction with man, those whose hearts can be swayed when My Spirit falls upon them. This is why I have specifically instructed My children on how to pray for this election, for there are things happening in the unseen realm that affect the comings and goings of mankind. So then to see the outcome I desire means that Believers must partner with My voice and obediently follow the instructions I give, for then, My will to return this nation to a peaceful and prosperous land shall come to pass. 

Therefore, My children, regarding this election, be swift in your response to the words I have already spoken and continue with your declarations. Also, pray that My hand reveals the evil that has been going on behind the scenes on both sides of the aisle. For the time has come to clean house, which means neither party shall escape My hand of judgment as it comes down like a gavel upon the leaders of this nation.

So then, declare the President’s victory, but pray the light of justice and truth shines upon Washington so that those who are steeped in corruption are exposed.

You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” James 4:4

(Received: 9/3/2020)

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