Fear Not The Storm

by Lori Anne Hale
His children God will always keep so Fear Not the Storm | My Daily Letters - MDL

In the coming days, though the storms will rage, I shall be your anchor and refuge. And when your sails billow and whip because of the prevailing winds, I will be there to hold you steady. If a giant wave should roll towards your heading, it shall be My hand that keeps you upright and afloat.

Then who of My own should be afraid just because inclement weather is in the forecast? Indeed, I shall be with them even if a hurricane is sited and threatens to capsize their life. So when confronted with imminent danger, those who belong to Me needn’t fear, for I will always be their safe harbor and port of refuge, the only secure protection when the seas of this world rage like a tempest.

In the coming days there shall be many troubling circumstances that rise in this nation, where the newest dose of bad news is spoken on every street corner, causing a sense of “hopelessness” to fill the population. For none would have anticipated how quickly things could shift from bad to worse, with seemingly no end in sight to this stormy season.

But no matter the forecast or strong predictions, those who put their trust in Me can still know peaceful waters, for I shall guide their hearts to the quiet cove where My Presence dwells.

Therefore, trim your sails and set your heading My direction. Pull up anchor from where you are resting, and let the breath of My Spirit lead you to these tranquil waters, for here in this quiet place you are able to ride out the storms destined to hit this country. And while others are being tossed about, with some issuing a distress call because they are sinking, those who have docked in My waters may hear the winds roar and witness the storm surge, but it shall have little effect on their countenance, for they know I am more powerful than even a weather event of this magnitude.

Then approach the comings days with an unabated pursuit of My presence, where your longing and desire aren’t for any other but Me. Don’t see the building tide as a threat, or let the atmospheric disturbance bring distress to your heart, for don’t I still hold the authority to command the winds and the waves? This is why these shall not come near My Beloved, those who faithfully follow after Me.

Then know the thundering and reverberation of this coming storm is not meant to frighten My own, but has been sent to wake the sleeping, and bring refreshment in the souls of those who have remained attentive to My call.

Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation, and my God.” Psalm 42:5

(Received: 8/3/2020)

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