The Fate Of This Nation

by Lori Anne Hale
The direction of this country shall be decided by the American citizens and determine The Fate of This Nation | My Daily Letters - MDL

The fate of this nation doesn’t rest on one man, but dwells in the hands of her citizens, for like My people who wandered the desert, every time they rejected Me and embraced foreign gods, My hand of judgment fell upon them. However, it only took repentant hearts to turn the tide of My favor back their direction, but this change was based on their decision to follow after Me again.

So then this land of “the free and the brave” is no different, for I shall not force her citizens to serve Me. Because I desire a people who hold a longing for Me in their hearts (contrary to what many think of My nature), I do not constrain anyone to abide by My will.

Yet there does exist consequences for rebellious behavior. So when a nation or individual rejects the One who created them, unfortunately, judgment falls upon their heads. And so it is with this season, where this nation seems as though she is coming undone at the seams. This is because those who have turned away from Me and want a more progressive state, are pulling against those who want to remain a republic: those who believe the founding Constitution to be sound and this country to have been sovereignly created.

Although I desire to see her thrive, this country will only do so under My leadership, for mankind with all of his flaws and limitations can never expect to create a fair society. Since human beings are notoriously selfish and petty, those who seek a secular approach to governing are doomed to fail every time they attempt this course of action.

This is why the rise and fall of a nation is determined by its people and their willingness to follow Me. And while I am ever patient, that does not mean that the opportunities for repentance remain open indefinitely, for times and seasons are always changing, taking with them those divine moments where a shift back to godliness could have happened.

This does not mean, however, that I have turned My back on these countries, as it is only that the change I desire shall be delayed. Sometimes this re-alignment comes in a short span of time, but often this shift won’t occur for several generations to come. Yet this response is not a punishment, but is the result of a people’s rebellion against Me. So while some in this nation are basing their election choice upon their own estimations of who would be best to appoint as leader, the candidate they choose is significant, for the one who wins this election will be a sign to the world of whether or not I am still revered amongst her people.Prayers must continue with believers fighting for The Fate of This Nation | My Daily Letters - MDL

To think this election to be a slam dunk is a naive position to hold. And so My own must still be found out on the battlefield, contending against the enemy lines which desire to lead this people into captivity: a bondage held with the chains of humanistic belief; shackles which will take several generations to break apart.

Therefore, let the scoffers and the nay-sayers decide against putting Me to the test, but in doing so let them remember the history of My people, for this example is still valid for today. Since I remain unchanged, as do My precepts, when a nation turns towards idolatry and runs after foreign gods, either as images made of graven stone, or as man-made philosophies, I will pull back My favor from their land, and only those faithful to Me, that small remnant of believers who dwell within her borders, shall know My blessing upon their lives.

Let those who have ears to hear listen to Me: Though judgment has surely been rendered against many who hold higher positions in this government, that does not mean the state of this nation is hopeless. For as long as there are still those believers who heed My words and align their prayers with My will, there is still a chance that this land will remain as she stands: a beacon of light and freedom; one that still regards Me as her Supreme Leader, the Great I AM, the Sovereign King, the One who rules over all that is, all that was, and all that shall be.

Let those who have eyes to see, consider My ways, for I shall not bend Myself to man’s will. Those who refuse to surrender to Me and definitively stand opposed to who I Am, these shall know the swift and sudden hand of My judgment. For I have patiently waited for these leaders and high officials to turn away from their corrupt behavior, but they have been unrelenting in their pursuit of selfish ambition, choosing to remain on the pagan road of idolatry.

Then, let My own remain steadfast in their commitment to contend for this nation. Though some votes have been cast, there is still time to make a difference with your prayers to see My will come to pass. So don’t be discouraged by what other voices around you are saying: those who are not led by My Spirit. The enemy would like nothing more than to convince believers to throw down their weapons and return home. 

Therefore, “Fight” and don’t stop, as the battle shall only intensify from this point on. So gird yourselves up and continue standing, for together we can see this campaign through to complete victory!

“The mountains melt like wax at the presence of the LORD, before the Lord of all the earth. The heavens proclaim His righteousness; all the peoples see His glory. All worshipers of images are put to shame—those who boast in idols. Worship Him, all you gods!”                Psalm 97:5-7

(Received: 9/4/2020)

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