Unfit Rulers

by Lori Anne Hale
Against America God hand of judgment has come from Unfit Rulers | My Daily Letters - MDL

Oh, how the mighty have fallen! Oh, how far down from their thrones these man-made kings and emperors have come! For these unfit rulers have descended from their seats of power and are now hiding in disgrace!

And so those who feared exposure, those who were shiftless and corrupt, who worshiped the pagan gods of youth and vitality, and sought power at any cost, have been found out. Although these unfit rulers sought to cover up their crimes, what man among the multitudes of his kind has been able to keep anything back from Me? Which individual over the history of the world has been able to fool Me? No one!

So, when these despots colluded to claim this nation as their own, and sought to seize authority in the most deceptive ways, what they had forgotten was that I have the upper hand and retain the highest seat of power, seeing clearly from My throne every dark deed man has done, every evil intention he carries in his heart.

So, from My position of Supremacy, the hearts of mankind are weighed, then judged, and those found guilty are admonished. Yet, if they do not turn from their evil practices, they will ultimately pay the full price for their iniquitous behavior, for the inevitability of this consequence cannot be avoided, where each man alive will, at the end of his days, be asked to give an account for his actions.

However, because some choose to deny My existence, they delude themselves into believing that the idea of an afterlife is just held by the religious, which is why the unbelieving are so surprised once their souls cross over the threshold of eternity. Yet none ever arrive here and stand before Me without having been given numerous opportunities to turn from their sinful ways, which is the reason not a single one can claim Me to be unfair when My assessments are rendered, since each man and woman is held to the same standard of holiness.Mankind is given the opportunity to repent by God even Unfit Rulers | My Daily Letters - MDL

Some have cried “Leniency!”, hoping to sway My verdict. But once their guilt has been determined, nothing can stay the execution of final judgment. Then woe to anyone who chooses the unvirtuous path, because no one can avoid the pitfall of sinfulness where degradation and debauchery are found, and those who remain on this road are active participants in their own destruction.

Therefore, anyone who declines a hand up from this ditch (the one where each man has fallen) shall surely be brought to ruin of his own volition. For when salvation came to many trapped in this dark pit, they refused My offer of rescue, having grown quite accustomed to their lightless hole. Yet this black void is not just reserved for the most despicable among men, for even those who consider themselves more upright in character are still disreputable in their hearts, unable to find a way around this deep chasm because they carry malice, idolatry, and perversion within their thoughts.

Then while it is true that final judgment shall come against the world, that time has not yet arrived. However, I have seen the courses of man, those who were appointed to seats of government, and have surmised that these are no longer fit to lead, and therefore, I am bringing broad and decisive change.

Like a hornets nest that has been struck with a stick, these unfit rulers and leaders are swarming in an agitated state, for My hand of correction has shaken their hive, generating fear, enough to fill each of them to the very core. And so what is seen by the public is an angry swarm ready to attack anyone they feel is a threat to their seats of power. When these unfit rulers flew out of their den, they were bent on inflicting enough damage with their stinging bites to scare off anyone who might get too close to their nest. But, one way or another, they shall not remain in their lofty positions, for what is man to Me: the One who created the universe in all its vastness?

Then My judgment has indeed fallen upon this nation, which is why a rumbling shall be felt, as if underfoot, for I am not pleased with the practices of those in Washington; nor of some who occupy the lesser seats of state officials. It is this judgment that is being felt across the land, and which is causing so much upheaval within the nation’s capital. For these unfit rulers, who have conspired, are seeing their tight-knit circle unravel, and soon, many shall know the scorn of shame as their immoral conduct is laid bare for all to see.The corruption in Washington God is exposing and Unfit Rulers | My Daily Letters - MDL

Therefore, let My own not be caught focusing on the buzz of this swarm, for this is but a distraction being put forth to divert attention, and delay or avoid the truth of their perverse deeds from being known by the public. So while these unfit rulers have taken full advantage of their positions by using their power and authority to subvert the attempts by lawful citizens from uncovering their deceptive practices, I won’t tolerate this kind of behavior any longer!

Then the hive they have built is about to be knocked from the Branches, for though it was nestled within several sturdy limbs, nonetheless, it cannot withstand the might of My hand. This is why a sense of panic can now be heard resonating within their words, for they know that if the election does not go their way, all that is hidden shall certainly be uncovered.

Yet, even if some citizens were persuaded to vote for their candidate, this will not prevent these unfit rulers from falling, for I am the One who has determined they are unqualified to hold public office. However, even if they were to repent right now, the time for changing this outcome has expired, which is why judgment has come, not to one, or maybe two, but all who are connected to this hive of corruption.

Then let My own be found seeking Me, and asking for a swift end to this season so that these days are not prolonged, or delayed. For who am I to deny the pleas of My children when they earnestly cry out to their Father in Heaven?

“The Lord is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished…” Number 14:18

(Received: 9/7/2020)

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