The Winnowing Wind

by Lori Anne Hale
All the dead stalks the scorching heat of summer comes to melt away as The Winnowing Wind | My Daily Letters - MDL

The winter frost and springtime flowers have faded away, for this nation has fully entered the season of searing heat and scorched fields.

Summer was sent with its extreme temperatures to melt away anything leftover from the last seasons planting: those old stalks which shall no longer produce any new growth. A time of winnowing is indeed upon this nation, for My hand has come to separate the chaff from the wheat, and those who do not put their trust in Me shall surely feel the intensity of this hour. Although all who dwell in this land are now found on the threshing floor, those who have remained faithful to Me shall be caught up in the wind of My Spirit when He blows away all that is useless, and breathes in the new life I have ordained for this generation. For the separating force of this strong wind is not meant to cause harm, but to usher in the much-needed change to My Church.

And so as these billowing gusts increase intensity, where more unrest is seen and felt throughout America, those believers who dwell in this country should not be alarmed or filled with fear, for this kind of commotion is to be expected just before a great harvest. Don’t be surprised, then, when the flames of adversity increase, for this outside pressure is necessary to My threshing process so that the corruptible thoughts and ideas found in the Church are consumed, leaving only that which is incorruptible.

However, many believers who are allowing their eyes to rest on the turmoil filling their streets must understand that this chaos is just the proof that I am about to do something amazing, not only in their nation, but in the Church, as well. Then indeed this should be good news to their ears, and cause peace to fill their hearts, for I have chosen this generation of believers to take part in the miraculous work I have planned for this nation and the world.

The realization of this seasonal change should significantly alter how My children spend their days, for the trivial issues in their lives must no longer hold so much importance. Instead, it is their relationship with Me that should be given their utmost attention. If not, when the wind of My Spirit blows their direction, these distracted children won’t be ready to receive Him, for they shall be caught holding onto the chaff: those old tired ideas of the past.Just before a revival God allows the fires of adversity to flow through The Winnowing Winds | My Daily Letters - MDL

You see, because the new I am doing spans the entire Church, it is therefore time to burn up the former way of functioning as My Body. Although some may think these are the ‘final days’, and so are looking for Christ’s return, they do not comprehend that the fires now burning in My fields were set for them, hoping to cause a revival to rise up within their souls. And since the seedbeds of idolatry have dwelt in My Body far too long, I have determined, therefore, that this is the proper season for those perversions of the Truth to be burnt up. I no longer want My children encumbered with these lies; in particular are those areas among the elect where worldliness has been accepted by distorting the definition of grace to mean “tolerance” for sinful behavior and crude talk, which, sadly, have become common practices as a part of the popular culture in the Church.

Somewhere along the line believers have misunderstood that spiritual liberty implies freedom to continue to embrace worldliness simply because they were covered under the “new covenant”. Though it is true that they are forgiven of every transgression, yet to live as Christ, one must cast off these fleshly inclinations and embrace the path of higher existence, where My own earnestly pursue being molded and shaped in His image.

Therefore, the wind of My Spirit is blowing, and the flames of adversity are burning, which create the perfect conditions for a mighty spiritual awakening to overtake the Church; where My people are asked to surrender their former ideas of living as believers, and exchange these shallow notions for a broader understanding of belief in Me.

Though the Church is crying out for revival to come, they don’t seem to understand that it has already begun. But because they have misconstrued how this shall look, they were not prepared when the flames of adversity came to burn up the chaff which they themselves hold, for many believers are hanging on tightly to the unprofitable ways of the past. This is why I shall increase the intensity of these flames, for as I raise the heat, quite a bit more of the corruptible shall burn off.

“Let the chaff burn and stop trying to snuff out its flame!”, for the climate in this nation is now just right for the winds of revival to sweep across the land. So just as a farmer allows the fires of a controlled burn to cover his fields, knowing that this process of cleansing deposits nutrients into the ground, and thereby produces a richer soil in the earth, I have seen that a controlled burn is needed in the spiritual ground of the Church, for her fields are unable to support the Great Harvest I have promised.

Therefore, let the chaff burn, let it be consumed, for this former manner of being the Church cannot sustain what I am doing now within her midst.

“His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor and gather his wheat into the barn, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.” Matthew 3:12

(Received: 8/27/2020)

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