A Quest To Reclaim Victory

by Lori Anne Hale
Man is forgiven only through the blood of Christ in A Quest to Reclaim Dignity | My Daily Letters - MDL

It is by the virtuous nature of My blood that mankind may know the value of complete forgiveness, for it is My righteousness imputed to the despondent soul which revives his heart with eternal hope.

There is no other means for mankind to rid himself of his lowly disposition since he is quite incapable of altering his patriarchal lineage, for the origin of each human being is forever linked to the one man Adam, who, through his poor conduct, brought disgrace upon all those who came after him. And as a result of his shameful choice, the whole human race is born already guilty, for so grave was his rebellion that it shifted each generation who came after him into this iniquitous state. Then, with ignoble character a man is born without a single redeeming quality to call his own, unable to rid himself of this vexation by his merit and good conduct alone.

“Irrevocable” would seem to define this curse that has existed since the moment man cast off perfection in order to embrace the first prideful act: the one that led to his ultimate downfall and sealed his eternal fate. For now, great travailing and sorrow await each soul once the longevity of their days are spent. So as if drowning in a sea of sinfulness, the souls of man cried out for help, but none was found that could rescue them, for the whole world was discovered to be in the same abject state. Although today man continues his quest to reclaim the dignity lost so long ago, not one possesses the moral character to stand upon this high ground.

But because the Father in Heaven was not pleased to leave man in such a desperate state, I was asked to lay aside My divine privilege, and step down into human form. So, as the humble servant of both man and God, I walked the earth, yet not to glorify Myself, but to exalt the One who sent Me, for it is His superior existence which should be honored.

So without hesitation, I lowered Myself to this position, for We knew that unless I intervened, the hopelessness known in man would not end, and, over time, the depths of his depravity would only lead him deeper into darkness, as if like a person lost in a dark cavern who continually takes the wrong turn. Yet if man would make an about-face and change his heading, the streaming beams of redemption would greet him and saturate his meager existence with the warmth of love everlasting.

Then it would seem there to be a single choice, just one decision that will forever ease the consternation felt in a man’s soul; and though it is a simple acknowledgment aroused from a repentant heart, his flesh restrains him from accepting the truth that I am Christ the Lord, and Savior of the World. For without this declaration of faith to My absolute deity, man cannot escape the dreadful end that awaits him on the other side of this life.

Sadly, many are the number who shall pass without having expressed these words from their lips, that “I am the Messiah”, the One who died, so they might be saved. Yet for those who still have breath in their lungs, it is never too late to find salvation and discover the unconditional love that I offer.To be the Savior of the world God sent Jesus from A Quest to Reclaim Dignity | My Daily Letters - MDL

But woe to those who refuse Me, for as it is only within the span of his life that man can say “yes” to My request of becoming His Savior. Beyond these appointed days, all hope is then lost, for surely the harshest judgment awaits those who deny Me.

Yet, for everyone who believes in Me the promise of eternal life is given, and that, not by way of their own upright reputation or moral character, but because it pleased the Father; for He was not satisfied to dwell in eternity without those He so lovingly created; those He regards as His workmanship. However, the fondness He has for His creation goes much deeper than man can measure, for He gave up His most valued Son to reclaim those He prized; yes, for those who otherwise were unworthy to receive this distinction.

Then how delighted mankind should be upon hearing this Good News, for the spilling of My blood is the only recompense required to find forgiveness and be awash in the blessed gift of atonement, where man’s corruptible heritage is cleansed away, leaving even the most base offender in right standing before his Maker. Though He may pursue the offender and the degenerate, it is upon the shoulders of man to respond when our paths intersect, for freely this love is given, but freely it must be received; and therefore, no one is ever forced to accept, or believe in, Me. Yet, who could refuse so generous an offer: to be fully forgiven by their Father, where a person knows the absolution of their sinful debt; one they cannot pay on their own?

Oh, how fortunate then is mankind that the Father enacted this plan, for if not for My death and righteousness, man’s transgressions could not be abated. Then let those who are found in Me, rejoice, since great is their reward in Heaven, as the curse of iniquity (brought in by the first man) has been broken through the perfect sacrifice of My life, and the spilled blood on the altar of the Cross.

Then those who believe Me to be the Savior have every reason to sing “Hallelujah!”, for not only have they discovered the One who is the Truth, but through Him found the Way of forgiveness leading to Life everlasting. 

Therefore, praise to My name should ever be on their lips, for they understand the highest price was paid so they too could stand before the Father as those who are called “His children”, and are numbered amongst the saints.

“Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though He was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” Philippians 2:5-8 

(Received: 8/23/2020)

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