No Longer Golden

by Lori Anne Hale
Longer then other states California will remain shut down from No Longer Golden | My Daily Letters - MDL

While other states are beginning to reopen, the ‘Golden State’ shall remain shut down a bit longer, for the Governor has had a vendetta against the current president, and is using this virus as a way to unseat him from office; for there are those who dwell in Washington that are willing to destroy the lives of many citizens if it means preventing his re-election. So then those who are suffering and on the brink of losing everything are just counted as losses in the political game being played.

Yet, this governor shall overplay his hand by staying fixed to this strategy, and he shall see his undoing because it will by his own hand when the state he presides over winds up bankrupt. It is then that he will have to seek aid from the president he tried to ruin in order to see this state out of the mess he has made.

Those who live in the ‘Golden State’ should not expect to hear the words, “California is fully open!”, any time soon, for part of the plan to block the current president’s campaign has to do with the overall economics of the country. And because the ‘Golden State’ plays a larger role in the financial health of the whole nation, to drag out it’s reopening is expected to have a negative effect on the country. However, this governor and his fellow conspirators have miscalculated what their decision will actually do to California; for there are unforeseen circumstances coming to the ‘Golden State’ that were not factored into the plan to overturn the Presidency. For how can anyone know when a natural disaster will strike? Who can predict when a large earthquake will hit and cause immense damage to parts of this state? Or who can determine when or where a wildfire will break out and spread across several counties? 

But because this governor is so focused on his mission to prevent the President’s re-election, he has not really considered these scenarios as anything to be concerned about right now. So then, when the unexpected happens and he taxes the finances of this people even further, there will be no stopping the bottom from falling out of its economy. Then the ‘Golden State’ shall see ruin like never before as a large percentage of the population is hit with devastating blows to their lives. Some shall not only lose their business, but when these natural disasters roll throughout the land, these shall know even more hardship by the loss of homes and property. 

Yet, because this governor has already overextended his budget and has this state sitting in the red, when these unexpected disasters develop, he will have no choice but to declare this state ‘bankrupt’. And so those who live in this ‘Golden State’ shall know intense suffering, for the current situation shall get worse before it gets better, causing many to seek greener pastures in other parts of the country. Although those who remain will attempt to rebuild this once gleaming state, their efforts won’t be able to produce the same beauty this region once knew. Many will lose everything when natural disasters roll through from No Longer Golden | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then surely the dog days of summer shall feel much longer because life in this state shall become, for some, almost unbearable, due to the lingering shutdown and the added pressure of a few natural disasters. So, like a pot that has begun to boil if the flame is turned too high, the water will erupt and cause the lid to pop off. And so it shall be among the population in this state, for many will rise up in frustration against this governor and seek to have him removed from office. However, even if a replacement stepped in, it would be too late to stop disaster from coming. 

Then, what hope do those hold who dwell in this now tarnished state? For if their immediate future is bleak, where can they look for consolation and aid? Where can they turn to find some form of rescue? When a state becomes insolvent, and its people have very little of value, what is the remedy for their plight? Who can turn to the government for a handout when there is nothing left in its coffers? 

Therefore, within this season of adversity, and especially for those who reside in this now tarnished state, it is a crucial time for My Church to willingly lend more than a hand to their neighbors because the need around them will be great. This will not be a time to pull back away from their communities, but should be seen as an opportunity to flood their neighborhoods with kindness and generosity so that many are the lives drawn to salvation. And though these days are indeed just ahead, let My own stand ever ready to offer up whatever is needed to the one who is hurting, so that through these generous acts, others might learn about who I am. 

My own should not be alarmed by these predictions, for even if they were negatively affected during this season, My hand of goodness would still have ample supply to provide for not only their needs, but also have more than enough so that they, too, can share with those found in want. This means that personal hardship should not be counted as a legitimate reason for My children to stop giving, for I am the One who supplies for them. None should resist My Spirit when He urges them to display My love by sacrificially giving to their neighbors, for it has been said that “in the world, you shall have many troubles”. This statement is true, for every generation experiences times of adversity, but, nonetheless, an open-handed posture is what I expect from every believer.

Therefore, when I ask to liberally give, these should release what they are holding without the fear of tomorrow because each of My own already knows that I will take care of every one of their needs, and so sacrificing out of obedience should never be in question. When I encourage My own to release a blessing unto another, they are expected to step out in faith and give without hesitation, or any thoughts for their own life.

The days ahead shall present many challenges with tribulation all around, but if My own will continue to trust Me, then when trying circumstances abound, they shall not be troubled within, nor perplexed by what they see. For those who have put their heart to rest in Me are always found settled in peace, even though around them is nothing but one disaster after another. To drag out reopening California will effect the country negatively from No Longer Golden | My Daily Letters - MDL

To those of My own who dwell in this now tarnished state, and who live in this region of America, remember that regardless of what happens to California, you are not without hope, for you are safely cradled in the arms of your Father, who can easily sustain your lives with an endless supply of provision. Be encouraged this day, and walk into the days ahead without worry, for when the ways of man cause great hardship, these seasons provide opportunities for Me to show up on the scene and bring about marvelous results.

Then to My children: let your hearts be filled with eager anticipation as you await the move of My hand. For very soon My Church in this now tarnished state will have their faith tested in ways that many have never experienced before; where I will ask them to step into areas of sacrifice that are meant to bring the further surrender of their inner man. Continue to pray for your governor and the people who live in your state, that their hearts are ready to receive the Good News. Also, as you wait upon Me, I will strengthen you to walk through the days ahead, for it is the power of My Spirit which empowers My children to both will and to act in alignment with My good and perfect will, even in a season of greater unrest. 

But what of this state that is now tarnished and its people; will they ever know prosperity again? What shall this land do, which once boasted of bountiful opportunities for success, in order to retrieve all the promised futures that were lost during this harsh season? Can these dreams be revived, or are they lost forever?

Then for hope to once again shine within this now tarnished state, a team of re-builders will be required, comprised of well-bodied individuals whom I have selected and called to this task: those from My Kingdom who call this tarnished state home and were purposefully established in their communities to help with this revitalization project. For the lives of those hit with devastation will not only need words of encouragement and sound counsel, but will also need the financial support of My children whom I have blessed with wealth to be used to invest in the people of this region.

However, they are not to direct donations towards charitable foundations which claim to do My work, but these of My own are to dig their hands into the soil of their own communities and actually help the specific individuals I will show them so that they may lay hold of their dreams; the future that appeared to be lost. Yet even those of My own who hold an “adequate” supply in their hands are expected to work alongside their wealthier brethren in this effort, for it is not the amount in a person’s hands that inhibits My ability to move, but only the reluctance in their heart to trust Me by giving generously. 

So now, no one is mistaken about who is called to be a part of this work. Know that each of My own who dwell in this tarnished state shall be asked to participate in some form or another, with a few taking on larger roles than the others. Whether or not I have specifically asked them, none should refuse to offer assistance to anyone, for the attitude of kindness is already laid out in the Scriptures, and therefore, none can say they were unaware of My expectations of how they are to live while in this world.Because of believers who live in this region hope will shine once again in this state from No Longer Golden | My Daily Letters - MDL

Although it will take financial backing to get this now tarnished state back up and running at full speed, the bigger investment to be made is in the lives of ordinary people, and not with monetary funds alone, as I desire to establish the fullness of My presence in the atmosphere over this state, where this corner of the country is to be known as an ‘altar’: the place where My presence dwells. 

Then to My own who reside in this now tarnished state, don’t mistake these quieter days as a sign of how the rest of this shutdown shall go. For a storm is brewing at the center of your state capital that shall affect every square inch of the land within its borders. And just as those who are wise prepare for a hurricane before it hits land, My own should be ready for these days to come.

However, it is not a physical preparedness that will see them through this season, but it is the strengthening of their inner man that is the key to addressing the storm that is coming. Consider this a word of warning but don’t rush off to batten down the hatches, for it is your faith in Me that will put you firmly in place when the gusting winds come bellowing across this region. So take the time now to gird yourself up in Me, for those who have already developed this inner fortitude won’t be knocked over when the ground begins rumbling underneath their feet, as they have learned to abide in My presence and shall not be moved from their peaceful inner stance. 

Then let these days of relative calm be used to condition your muscles of faith, where you practice trusting Me now by taking steps which challenge your belief in Me as your provider; letting your heart be aware of My Spirit’s prompting, for He was sent to help you along in your development. When you feel the pull to release what you have into the hands of another, do not hesitate to act in accordance with what your spirit has witnessed to be true, for these smaller tests are training you for the bigger exam that is right in front of you.

Don’t despise these days, but relish this season you have entered and count yourself as blessed, for no other generation of believers will witness what I am about to do amongst My Church. For this revival shall be nothing like those from the past because I am ready to call forth a large regiment of My army, whose testimony of faith will affect the generations to come. You shall be a part of building a legacy of belief that extends well beyond several centuries, but will only be brought forth in its fullness by those who are believers now.

Then cast off the shallow mindset brought on by your current discomfort, as something magnificent is unfolding before you which can, in reality, only be appreciated by those who have begun to mature in Me. Let those who have reached this higher position of understanding safeguard the way for those who shall come after them by building a stronger wall now, one that is meant to guard My legacy for future generations.

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23

(Received: 5/18/2020)

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