
by Lori Anne Hale
Against the Church the enemy is about to hit back hard with a CounterPunch | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then expect the enemy to answer with a counterpunch, for he is about to hit back against the Church, those who have been fighting him out in the open, for these have dropped their fists just enough for him to land a hard blow that will send many teetering as if they were about to lose their balance and fall over.

Because these, who are My children, stepped into the ring without fully assessing their opponent, and are relying on what they already knew, they have assumed themselves prepared to engage this opponent, and so are using the same strategies and techniques which brought them success in other bouts. However, because this challenger has worked himself up through the enemy’s ranks, he won’t be easily defeated like those lesser demonic forces who dwelt in America before him. Even though My children are found throwing punch after punch, this foreign spirit has been trained to fight using a different method, and therefore, a head on approach won’t knock this heavy-weight off his feet.

Yet through all of their effort, his stance is not weakening, for there simply isn’t enough power behind these blows to move him. In comparison to his strength, My children are fighting like amateurs who are opposing a professional boxer, one who has many rounds under his belt. And though these believers carry My authority, I did not ask them to contend against the enemy in this manner, which is why they are having little to no effect on the circumstances happening in their country.

Unfortunately, many believers will continue pressing in hoping to soon have the enemy on the ropes where they can deliver that final blow that will knock this enemy spirit out of America. But these won’t know the satisfaction of victory if they keep with a frontal assault, for the enemy has been expecting this reaction from the Church, and therefore, has drawn believers into an ambush, where, at just the right time, he will counter their offensive by throwing an unexpected hook.

And so My own should break now from this match before the bell rings to sound the start of the next round, for I have been waiting in their corner to advise them on how to defeat this loathsome spirit. But until these believers yield to My voice and heed My instructions, all of their bobbing and weaving around his blocks will only wear them out and keep them distracted from the real fight, the one that is sure to hold a sound victory; for he won’t be able to avoid the might of My swing when it hits against his chin because I know right where to strike this opponent so that he hits the mat without getting back up! All will then see, and none will be mistaken about who is the true winner when the Champion undercuts his rival with a devastating punch.Against the government restrictions believers should not persist from CounterPunch | My Daily Letters - MDL

Stop persisting with these public gatherings in defiance towards the government, for certain lawmakers are rooting for the enemy to win this fight against the Church, and so will do everything in their power to see your efforts are stopped!

Therefore, let this be a warning to those of My own who are still planning to meet the enemy in the ring by openly defying lawmakers who have set restrictions against public gathers such as these. How many times must I say this is not a winning strategy?

Yet, most will neglect My words and ignore My admonishments, for they cannot see any other path to winning. So, as a result, some will find themselves paying heavy fines, and others may even be jailed, if they do not cease from meeting, for surely harsher penalties shall be applied if believers turn a deaf ear to My voice.

These warnings, however, are not meant to cause fear in My children but are predictions of what will happen if they continue to meet the enemy on his terms, and allow him to set the conditions of the fight.

Then it is I who am issuing a cease and desist order to My Church. I am telling those believers who are still pushing for congregational meetings to end this campaign, for this is not the plan I have for My Church during these days.

Therefore, pack up your sound equipment and portable staging, for what I am after is a more humble gathering, where believers regain the same sense of community as was found long ago when the Church was first birthed here on earth. For in the midst of these peaceful meetings, I shall join with My children to take down this foreign spirit and his plan of destruction.

Let worship lead out in front when you gather, for here is how we shall begin firing back, using the most effective blows to permanently change the direction of this battle.

“But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” John 4:23-24

(Received: 8/11/2020)

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