The True Dividing Line

by Lori Anne Hale
Either political side is not promoted by the Gospel which is The True Dividing Line | My Daily Letters - MDL

Atop the high hill where I am seated, all of man’s comings and goings are plainly visible, without any of his dealings hidden from My sight. And though people may be able to fool each other, no one can ever put anything past Me, for My eye has always discerned rightly what is in the heart of each person who has ever lived on the earth.

So then, if I carry this depth of wisdom, the kind which exceeds man’s capabilities, why does he continue to trust in himself to correctly judge the heart of another? For isn’t he often mistaken when it comes to assessing the intentions of others? Through his own self-constructed methods he picks through the evidence he’s gathered to prove that his assumptions are right on target, and the one he is judging is guilty as charged. Then, based on his own opinions and without considering that his proof could be tainted by misinformation, or his own bias, man places people, many of whom are strangers, into two categories: good or bad.

Take, for instance, in politics. Anymore, the political party a person identifies with automatically makes them a friend, or a foe. Without realizing it, most people in this country have made assumptions about those who are from the opposite camp, and therefore, often see them in a negative light without actually knowing anything else about their character. And so, without any personal knowledge or firsthand experience with the other person, a negative value is assigned to their life.

As a result, if the one being considered has a history of voting for the “wrong side”, their political affiliation is construed as a dark blemish on their reputation. And even though My children are supposed to be open-hearted towards all, this attitude of political bias has seeped into the Church, where now, fellowship is broken if the same stance is not taken on the current issues confronting this nation and the world; causing believers to hold a skeptical view of their brethren because of differing political opinions.

This is why I have warned the Church not to endorse one side or the other, for neither position fully lines up with the Gospel, and therefore, should not be woven into their identity or message as believers. This is, however, precisely what has happened. So unfortunately, most of My children know more about what it means to be Conservative or Liberal than they do about being a citizen of Heaven. For they have allowed a worldly view to shape their belief system (how they discern right from wrong), which has formed a cloud of confusion about what it means to live as a Christian.

Because of this foggy misconception, certain viewpoints have been adopted as gospel truths because the behavior sounds like something My Son would have embraced. However, though He fed the hungry and healed the sick, He never forced His way of life on another, yet it was, and still is, the condition of a person’s heart which concerns Him, for He knows it is only holiness that sets a man’s soul in right standing…. nothing more.

Therefore, My own ought to be less worried about a person’s politics, and more focused on the condition of their heart. For unless a profession of faith has been made proclaiming My Son to be their Savior, he or she is eternally doomed. To see those who are in grave peril rescued from this fate should be the foremost issue for My children, for here lies the real and true dividing line within mankind: the one which distinguishes those who are lost from those who are saved. These are the only two distinctions that matter, because politics, race, and gender all vanish at the end of a man’s days, with none of these carried over into the hereafter. The one identifying mark that remains, however, is the blood of the Cross, which is evidenced on his soul. For without this scarlet insignia, a person has no choice but to know a bitter ending. Therefore, neither Democrat, Republican, nor Independent leanings really add any value to an individual’s life, for will any of these labels or ideologies give his soul an advantage when he stands before Me?

So, regardless of what is happening in this nation or the world, the mission I’ve outlined for My own has not waivered, and, as such, their persuasive words should not be filled with arguments about governmental policies meant to sway political opinion over to their own perspective, since they have been instructed to share of My Greatness, and the love that I hold for this world.Under the common message of the Savior the Church must reunite as The True Dividing Line | My Daily Letters - MDL

Yet, because many of My own have invested so much of their time dwelling on politics, this clear objective has become vague. And though these have no problem easily discussing their political positions on current societal issues, unfortunately for most, sharing their faith doesn’t occur to them, not even as an after-thought. 

Sadly, now within My Body, there exists a divide, for some have embraced within their churches the views of certain partisan groups, thus incorporating these worldly philosophies as part of their Christian message, breaking off ties with fellow believers who don’t agree with their stand, as to many church leaders being relevant has become like an idol. So these have bowed down to the current culture because it has allowed them to increase their platform, even though it has meant cutting off relationships with other believers.

However, maintaining relevance has come at a high cost, for the diluted message of these leaders has caused many immature in My flock to stray, and fall back into their sinful habits, for why should any seek to amend their lifestyle when those in church pulpits are openly endorsing people and groups who have no belief in Me.

Yet, here these church leaders are linking arms with organizations who, at their core, are against Christ and His teachings, associating themselves, nonetheless, with these movements so as not to offend non-believers. These leaders, in reality, are more concerned with staying popular than about how their decisions will affect the overall Church. For when some church leaders embraced the dogma of these outside groups, this acceptance of deception creates a large opening for the enemy to infiltrate My Body, therefore giving him the space to foster barriers of conflict amongst My own. And so the formation of this wall has already begun to take shape, as many who once enjoyed the bonds of fellowship, have broken friendship due to offense over their political differences.

Then, let those from My Church refrain from these unions, where they form alliances with political organizations because their views are popular amongst worldly culture, for this should never be the criteria My own use to determine where they stand on an issue. Instead let the behavior of My Son be their guide, for His days on this earth showed the way for all who would follow after Him. Because He did not pursue a pagan lifestyle, nor did He join with the ideas of political or religious radicals, then none of My own should be doing this either. For if He came to establish My Kingdom here on the earth, then it is up to My own to uphold this mission.

Therefore, to My children, I say, “Stop devoting so much of your attention to political matters, for this arena is the enemy’s playground.” If you are not careful, he can easily snag you with one of his tricks, for he loves to pretend his voice is the truth, taking great pleasure in toying with believers so that they unknowingly chase after him.

Therefore, continually compare yourselves to My Son so that His attitudes are reflected in your hearts. Then remember His words, which originated from love and encouraged forgiveness, but always upheld My Kingdom standards, for never once did He encourage the repentant to continue living in their sinful ways; for a life devoted to Him is not meant to resemble those of this world.

Put away your politics, along with any ideas that divide you, and reunite with the common Message of your Savior, for it was because of this lost world that He came, and it is for that same reason My own are sent forth. Set this cause ever before you, and remember this as your charge, for seeing the lost turn towards repentance is how My Kingdom is built here on the earth.

“As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” Ephesians 4:1-6

(Received: 7/20/2020)

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