Just An Aberration

by Lori Anne Hale
On the evil in this land the hour has chimed judgment to fall from Just An Aberration | My Daily Letters - MDL

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[Vision- I saw Joe Biden sitting at the Resolute desk, but he was ghost-like in appearance, transparent; I could see right through him. He was attempting to sign papers with a pen, but after he wrote his name on the dotted line, it would disappear; however he didn’t seem to notice this was happening.]

This man in the chair is just an aberration, and is not fit to hold this seat. And while he has claimed himself duly elected, it was not My hand which placed him there. Since this is true, the actions he has taken as the “sitting president” are null and void as far as I am concerned. For I have stamped the word “illegitimate” upon his every action, which means while some immediate discomfort shall fall upon this nation, it will not be long lasting.

Although he is not the man he used to be, let no one doubt his culpability in this coup d’état, for while his mind is slipping, this man seated in the chair was well aware of the choice he was making to steal from the people of this nation.

And while to most Americans the election is over, My vote was not added to the final tally, and the weight it carries trumps the number this thief has used to win. Then, what man has decided is ‘done’ has yet to be finished according to Me, for I will not sit idly by and watch this farce continue unanswered.

Then for his transgressions, I shall not withhold punishment, nor from those who have conspired with him to deliver this nation into the hands of their enemies. For these have whored themselves out like prostitutes to the highest bidder, desiring only to increase their own wealth and power. At this point, none shall be spared from knowing My judgment, as not a one from this pack of wolves has turned away from their sin. And though I have given them enough time to seek forgiveness, wickedness is still ruling their hearts.

Then when the clock has chimed the evening hour, I shall begin to release My judgment, for those who sought to destroy My anointed shall instead ‘hang on their own gallows’, with some being swallowed up in scandal, causing others to resign over fear of being found out.

And this man who is sitting in the chair shall fully disappear from view, for his claim on this seat was not ordained by Me, and therefore, he won’t be able to hold it much longer, as it was with ‘man’s strength’ that he acquired it in the first place.

What is man’s power to Me, and who can come against the One known as Almighty?

So listen closely, for off in the distance you can hear the sounds of thunder building, as My hand of judgment descends upon this nation. This is an ominous sight to behold, but it shall not fall upon those who are “Just”, for I am coming to smite the demonic, and those who have collaborated with the works of darkness.

Let My own recognize the hour and not become alarmed when the days turn rather chaotic, as this is because much is happening in the unseen realm. So be encouraged even now, for the Lord Strong and Mighty has come to restore this nation back to her rightful owners.

I will proclaim the name of the LORD. Oh, praise the greatness of our God! He is the Rock, His works are perfect, and all His ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is He. They are corrupt and not His children; to their shame they are a warped and crooked generation. Is this the way you repay the LORD, you foolish and unwise people? Is He not your Father, your Creator, who made you and formed you?” Deuteronomy 32:4-6

(Received: 2/24/2021)

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