Freedom Fighters

by Lori Anne Hale
To fight for the liberties of this nation a new army of patriots will rise up as Freedom Fighters | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then the patriots shall rise and with them the vigilantes, for within the ranks of this militia lies a sense of honor and duty to their nation. These still believe in the right to stand up to tyranny no matter how the package is bundled; whether it be holding the line against a single dictator or a governmental body wielding unauthorized power, these men and women will not easily let go of their birthright, the freedom they have been guaranteed as a citizen of this nation.

During these days of turmoil and strife, a new generation of freedom fighters shall be born, those who are loyal to this land and her people: those who still hold to the ‘Bill of Rights’ and the liberties granted to all Americans, and will, therefore, use more than mere words to get this point across. From the suburbs and outlying communities shall these ‘Sons of Liberty’ march, for they see it as their responsibility to protect their communities against this violent army, who, like a swarm of angry hornets, is flooding America’s streets, striking again and again with very little opposition to thwart their rampage of destruction.

So just as it was when this nation was colonized, where a King from ‘across the pond’ unnecessarily burdened those settlers with heavy regulations, a tipping point eventually came which caused the colonists to revolt. Though right now this seems an unlikely scenario to have play out again on this soil, yet as the government tightens its grip by adding to its list of mandatory regulations, the already existing tension brewing between lawmakers and the public is about to boil over, due to a ruling that shall lead to a defining moment, when the ordinary citizen will have to choose where their allegiance really lies.

Consider this season to be like a dormant volcano that is thought to no longer be active, where the tremors of a surprise eruption are felt in the ground before a fiery blast shoots into the skies. This is where America is standing right now. And even though the quaking underfoot has already begun, most think it unlikely that war would come to this land once again. Yet this is how it shall be, for some in charge of this country want to rule with an iron fist, and are determined to see themselves established as the supreme authority governing this people. And if attaining a position as ruler means the spilling of blood, then so be it. For to these leaders, an individual only carries value if they’re useful to achieving this goal; otherwise, they’re expendable, seen simply as a means to an end.

It is a lack of empathy which keeps these leaders from feeling any compassion for those they are harming, thus making it an easier task to silence any who are considered an obstacle impeding their climb to the top. This is why such an adversarial attitude is felt coming from certain leaders, both state and national, as they see most citizens as inconsequential and rather unintelligent, and, as a result, must therefore take away an American’s right to have a say in how her government is run.

The plan these leaders have enacted is to cause extreme chaos for this nation’s people, thereby making it difficult to find which way is up, while muddying the clear path to maintaining liberty with misleading jargon meant to purposely confuse the public so that they vote their own freedoms away.

However, because the last election did not go their way, these leaders are unsure if their party can legally win the next time around, and are, therefore, making plans to take this country by force; for this is an option they are willing to use.

And so the freedom fighters shall rise and take their positions as the guardians of civil liberties, for they shall see themselves as soldiers who were assigned to protect this nation against the domestic terrorism that is assaulting her people. The ranks of this contingent will consist of everyday American’s, from store clerks to businessmen, those considered to be ‘regular Joe’s’, but all who are patriots, united to win the battle against those who would rather have a ruling elite than a democracy.

Although the opposition may have larger numbers, their size cannot match the tenacity these freedom fighters carry, for their love of country keeps them from fleeing the battle. When a man fights with a selfless and honorable purpose, he is not easily moved because it is his true convictions that draws him towards the fray, and it is these core beliefs which keep him committed to the conflict regardless of the consequences.How believers keep the enemy from attacking their households is by pleading the blood of the Lamb from Freedom Fighters | My Daily Letters - MDL

So young and old alike shall fill these ranks, creating a unique battalion of liberators: those who have joined forces to put an end to the takeover of this nation. Yet to restore this republic back to her former glory will take more than an armed militia, for the military might of this country has grown greater in power and size since the Revolution from long ago. Although the intentions of those in pursuit of liberty are honorable, their virtuous actions don’t possess the strength to save this nation from her oppressors.

It is the efforts of My stalwart warriors that shall bring destruction down on the heads of these leaders. For when those who stand positioned in My battle lines stay committed to My cause, then victory is inevitable, as My strategies are perfect every time.

Knowing this to be true, raising a musket or sword is not the correct response to this revolt, for to win the clash in this season, it must be answered with spiritual weapons: the kind that can only be seen by the real enemy, the one who is actually inciting the rioters and pushing this insidious campaign.

This is why My ranks must resist the urge to unite with this militia (though both causes are fighting for freedom). My own must remember the greater battle is to rescue the lost from spiritual darkness; for this is still My overall plan for humanity. Though right now much is happening in the physical realm because of the pandemic (which has added economic stress), the underlying reason for all this chaos is really an attempt by the enemy to silence the Church in this nation. It must, therefore, be with your spiritual armament that this battle is addressed, instead of physical force. For what weapons created by man have any power against the Devil?

So I say: save your ammunition and holster your guns; even if some of you are itching to join this fight. My own must be found outwardly passive, but inwardly holding the stance of a warrior: one who has raised his spiritual sword and leaned in with his ‘Shield of Faith’. For regardless of the chaos outside your window, My warriors must maintain their positions and keep their sights securely set on the real foe, who has come to steal, kill, and destroy. Remember, the end he has planned reaches far beyond a person’s mortality, for he is bent on taking many more with him into the pit, where only gnashing of teeth and bitterness exists.

Then to My own who are tempted to join this band of freedom fighters (though it is a noble cause), do not romanticize these efforts by donning the garments of patriotism, where you see yourselves standing shoulder to shoulder as with your ‘Founding Fathers’. For these notions shall lead you to fighting from the wrong position, and will end up leaving yourself and your family wide open for an enemy ambush.

Do you think Me incapable of protecting not only you, but the liberties and freedoms of this nation?

Then just as My children did on the Passover, when the dark spirit of death passed over their homes, anoint your doorposts in remembrance of My Son’s spilled blood, making a firm barrier between you and the evil forces (both spiritual and physical) that shall soon invade your communities. For when that dark spirit covered Egypt, he was powerless to enter any dwelling place which housed My own, nor could he touch a single hair on their head.

Therefore, do not lean on physical weapons as your protection, but put your confidence in Me, the only One who has the power to watch over all who stand under the covering of My name.

“The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.”            Proverbs 18:10

(Received: 8/2/2020)

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