Disguised As Eagles

by Lori Anne Hale
Waiting to swoop down and steal the weak in the flock there are buzzards Disguised As Eagles | My Daily Letters - MDL

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Those who, disguised as eagles, have perched themselves high in these branches are really vultures waiting to pick the bones of the weak within My flock: sheep who will fall away during this season of shaking.

Then with a ravenous hunger these buzzards sit waiting for their opportunity to swoop down and steal those found standing in the fray, those who shall be easily persuaded to stray. This is because when the shepherd called them to draw near, these feeble sheep still desired to run through the fields of this world.

So when the storms of persecution blow across the Church, those caught out in the open will look in the wrong places for shelter, for they shall be fooled into thinking that safety can only be found under the limbs where the vultures have nested. And though these sheep may escape the adversity overtly coming against My flock, the true danger they face is lurking close by, ready to devour them body and soul. For these have left themselves exposed to the evil beasts that roam in the darkness, those seeking to pounce upon any who are not protected behind My shepherd’s staff.

While I have seen each one who shall falter, it is still their choice to follow where I am leading. Yet many who made a profession of faith have never let go of their past, and since many of the more mature in My flock paid little attention to the younger amongst them, these were neither taught nor discipled how to walk in My ways.

Then while there is still relative calm, come settle into My pen of rest, for it is in this space that you shall be safe from the vultures circling overhead. Draw nearer to Me even now, so that your heart will not be tempted to flee as the fierceness of this dark tempest seizes the Church, shaking and shaking so that her floors roll up in waves, sending many running for the door.

Then within this new era of the Church, a season of persecution shall indeed be known, for I have determined it must be, so that when it is finished, what emerges is a community of the faithful that better resembles the vision I had cast long ago.

So none should be heard saying they were not warned that tumultuous days lay before them. Therefore, nestle yourself in the crook of My arm, for here you shall be safe from this impending storm.

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth gives way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.” -Psalm 46:1-3

(Received: 2/18/2021)

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