Nero Redux

by Lori Anne Hale
Against the Church the fires of contempt have already started burning from Nero Redux | My Daily Letters - MDL

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Can the regulations imposed by men stop the Gospel from spreading? Will the threat of strict measures and harsh penalties keep believers from sharing their faith?

On the contrary, persecution only serves to increase the growth of the Church. Every time the enemy resorts to this tactic, greater are the number who receive salvation. My Spirit is drawn to those who are oppressed because of the sincerity of their faith, as the only desire of their heart is to be as one abiding in My presence. And though some face severe consequences should they be discovered as followers of My Son, they are willing to risk being caught, for these who had no hope have found the true reason for living, having savored the sweet taste of redemption, which was known through Christ the Savior.

However, upon these shores few have felt the sting of repression, for to speak freely about their faith was a guaranteed right of all Americans. But recently the climate has shifted to where hostility towards the Church is now brewing. Although this animus is being directed at those who supported the President’s re-election, the real targets are Christians. And since most who follow Me commonly identify with right- leaning politics, muzzling the whole lot seems to be the easiest way of silencing both groups.

Then this accusation of insurrection carries within it the fuel to ignite the flames of persecution against the Church, for those who rallied with the President have already been tried without a jury, and found guilty by many as being a danger to the ideals of this nation. This idea will be leveraged in such a way that it will be even more widely accepted as to generate a negative opinion of the Church. For not only did believers participate in the fatal protest on the nation’s capital, but quite a large majority who are known as Christians chose to put the public at risk by ignoring the pandemic guidelines.

Then the case against the Church shall be bolstered when the pandemic numbers suddenly increase, for even with the vaccination, this virus won’t be stopped like the government had promised, and a scapegoat will be needed to blame for the supposed new outbreak.

So just as it was when Nero accused Christians for setting fire to Rome, believers will be targeted as the reason for the virus’s longevity amongst the population. Although this won’t be the singular reason persecution comes against the faithful in America, it is the catalyst that has already started burning the fires of contempt. Then as the kindling of propaganda is continually added to this flame, it shall cause a combustion of anger that will insight some to violently act out against believers found in their communities.

Therefore, as has been done in so many other nations, the Church will become almost invisible, for many are the number that shall be afraid to publicly acknowledge their faith. But for the persistence of a remnant of the most courageous, the work of My kingdom would die down to a small flicker.

Yet, those whose hearts remain true shall surely be called blessed, for though these may suffer for a little while, great shall be their reward in heaven.

So let none take lightly what is coming in the days ahead, as your enemy, the devil, seeks to destroy any who belong to Me. This is the reason My own must deepen their walk with Me now so that as we journey through this season, it is divine wisdom that must guide your steps, so that you will know where and when to act.

“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets before you.” -Matthew 5:11-12

(Received: 2/16/2020)

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