Our Constant Companion

by Lori Anne Hale
To give us a picture of the love God carries for His children, He place the sun in the sky as Our Constant Companion | My Daily Letters - MDL

Amber skies fill the horizon as the sun sets over the hills with breathtaking beauty bringing another day to an end. Always locked in the same pattern, never deviating from its path, rising then falling without any change. Like a constant companion there to govern each day, adjusting life to its rhythm.

In a glorious display it appears, the usher who has already set the course, telling when it is time to arise once again and begin the hours in between. For this is how life is lived out, each day launched in brilliance as light appears, then ending with the same colorful hues as dusk fades into darkness, established as the bookend to hold the moments of light.

How marvelous are the edges of a day, with the sky ablaze, looking as if on fire. A splendid signal silently declaring that time has ticked forward. In dazzling brightness the day breaks open with broad rays covering the land, making every creature aware it has arrived, ending the hours of slumber. Invigorating the stillness of quiet obscurity with the symphony of life, a choir of resplendent tone proclaims dawn is here.

As if hosting a small celebration, the chorus of nature begins to sing, all held to the same cue, that upon seeing the first glimpse of light, each would add its own innate tune, heralding the dawn, proclaiming the sun’s appearance. In a unified voice, the world around would seem to be focused on making sure he is greeted with a joyous welcome, as for one who had been away for too long.

Yet the sun’s predictable path seems to have gone unnoticed by many, as the only feelings expressed when his glowing beams begin to peek over the vista are filled with much less excitement. Instead of enjoying the splendor I have created, reflecting upon the deeper significance these two distinct moments carry each day, some choose to view it from only the surface, not taking the time to examine that even in this familiar scene, lies an expression of Me, the One who desires to be their closest friend; The One who is always about, watching over their days, even when at times, I may feel absent or hidden away as dark clouds of trouble are brewing. Yet I am just behind this puffy exterior, ready to break through even the densest barrier, for the shining power My glory emits, can cause the sky to begin clearing around them.

The sun’s vivid appearance and consistent position are a natural illustration of Me, depicting My strength as supreme, for nothing is able to stop Me from being and cannot blot out My existence from radiating over My creation.To remind us of His unwavering care God created the sun to be a visual aid that He is Our Constant Companion | My Daily Letters - MDL

As a friendly reminder that I am always with them, I set the sun high above, so that no matter where they are found roaming, My children will be able to have this visible sign, held as a constant indicator of My unwavering care and commitment for each one. So when the sun climbs to its highest point in the sky, emitting the most heat, it is a good representation of the love that I carry, of My unquenchable longing to have all people know Me as their Father.

If mankind would only see the clues I have left in this world for them to uncover, and to recognize that it was My doing which joined the earth and the sun together, locked in this rotational process. Then by adding the moon, a more complete rendition is given of the relationship which exists with Me and those who are established as My children.

For their life should always be centrally focused upon following after Me, revolving in the flow of My will just as the earth orbits around the sun; and the moon depicting the faith each one carries, with the single job description: to reflect the light of their Savior, which is able to be seen in the darkest of hours, glowing like a beacon, and pointing those who are lost in My direction. The hope which each of My chosen carries is like a warm smile, gleaming out from within them, drawing the attention of those who are wandering.

So on the next occasion of daybreak, or when the colors of dusk begin appearing, let your heart be filled with remembrance. Let those moments lead you into deeper reflection, allowing these minutes to draw your thoughts over to Me. And when the hours between have felt like I am distant, no longer look at just the glow, admiring its boldness, but let yourself be reminded of something more- of the Father who will never leave you; who will stay by your side even when others have deserted you. My word given is never rescinded. It will always remain. So when you are feeling loneliness creep in, or your heart is overcome with much pain, remember I am there, too. For just as you count on the sun holding its place in the sky, so you can depend upon My enduring presence because My desire is to be your constant companion.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

(Received: 9/4/2018)

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