
by Lori Anne Hale
During this season God has come to realign the structure of the Church from Renovation | My Daily Letters - MDL

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When the Landlord comes to inspect His property, will He find it in need of repair because the tenants took too lightly their responsibility for its care?

And since, it would seem, many of His dwellings are in this dilapidated condition, the Owner has decided that extensive renovations are needed so that each of these shelters are structurally sound. This means, due to the substantial damage, that several of these properties will be stripped down to the bare studs, where old, rotting pilings, thought to be sound, must be cut out, for if left in place any longer, rebuilding would not have been possible, leaving quite a few of His tenants without a place to call home.

As it is, some have already begun to vacate these dwellings without giving any notice, seeking new accommodations, those that are more appealing to the eye. However, those charged with the care of these houses have only added spackle and paint in an attempt to make what is outdated appear modern and relevant.

While some other tenants did regular maintenance on their properties, there are still a few places these have missed. And since the same level of deconstruction won’t be warranted, the amount of upheaval to their houses won’t be nearly as much as to many others.

Then just as it is when a building is unlivable until the construction is completed, so too, will many of these houses be vacant until the Landlord finishes His renovation process. And those which He deems to be unfit, shall not reopen their doors to receive tenants again.Those churches that are unwilling to follow His blueprints God will close down as Renovation | My Daily Letters - MDL

So, unannounced the Landlord shall arrive at each of His houses, moving in and through every single one to determine the amount of renovation needed, looking for those tenants that are willing to submit to His building plan: those who will agree to the changes He has designed to overhaul the entire structure. Although some whose dwellings do not pass inspection will attempt to make their own repairs without seeking the Landlord’s approval, these properties may remain standing, but, their lack of building experience shall be evident in the heavy lean to their walls and sharp angled pitch to their roofline; neither of which is found in the Landlord’s blueprints, those He drew up to best reflect His vision as the Architect.

On the other hand, those who are prepared shall not be caught off guard by the sudden shift I bring upon the Church. And though most congregations have gone back to business as usual, I am not content with the direction they are headed, as the gatherings of My children were meant to flow in unison with Holy Spirit, and are not to be “boxed-in” to a prescribed order of service, for all whom I have invited to fellowship there should have an active role in the meetings.

However, in her current state, the Church cannot function in this way, and so I have determined a change is needed at this time to bring her back into alignment with the initial blueprint I laid out when the Church was in her infancy.

Does this mean believers shall be forced to embrace what I am doing amongst the Church? Absolutely not! This would go against My law of freewill. Yet, what I am affording My children is the opportunity to partner with the “new” I am bringing forth in this season, but it is still, and will always be, up to each one if they will agree and obediently follow after Me.

Then let those who are paying attention understand that the renovation process is underway, as I have started to make the preliminary changes that shall soon be apparent, leading the way to the greater work I am doing amongst the Church in this new era of her history. So rest undisturbed by the racket and commotion this renovation process shall cause, for all that is happening within this season is being brought about by My hand. Be at peace, therefore, when you see even more leaders step down, and ministries close for good, as this must be done so that the Church becomes the radiant Bride that is worthy to partake in the marriage supper of My Son.


Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready; it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure”— for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints. And the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” And he said to me, “These are the true words of God.”” -Revelation 19:7-9

(Received: 3/15/2021)

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