
by Lori Anne Hale
God's inviting community where all are welcome to join as His Handpicked | My Daily Letters - MDL

My body is composed of a hand-picked assortment and filled with unique individuals, each held with the aim that not a single one, in the natural, resembles another. For I do not desire an army of duplicates (all looking the same), but of one which bears the reflection of My Son. He is accepting of anyone who calls upon His name and offers no refusals due to appearance regardless of age, race, or gender (this is simply not an issue whichever concerns Him). Because His heart is held in the steady, constant place of perfect love, it will not diminish no matter the look of another, for He himself was not someone who, on the exterior, affected curiosity, nor was his form something which drew much attention.

When He came to earth and was born, I could have encased His heart in a shell, which to man was much more attractive, but then this would have caused Him to be noticed before the proper time. Our plan was not to have His outer charm pave the way, with the intentions that My characteristics (which He carried inside) be the reason all men were drawn to Him, then those He encountered would be directed to Me because of the divine nature He exuded.

(“He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.”          Isaiah 53:2 )

So, like My Son, the vessels I choose are not to be dependent on their noticeable frame as an important factor; nor should it be held as a qualifier of effectiveness in My kingdom. For though at times, some of My children use this as a standard (incorporating the ways of the world into My body), this is never the place where My attention rests! For I do not measure a man’s suitability for ministry from this perspective, nor do I deem any worthy of extra favor because their exterior holds a more appealing complexion.

To Me, all My children are seen just the same. For each is rooted and established in My Son, bearing His image, so that when those who are searching come in contact with any of them, the inner radiance they carry will leave the lasting impression, the thing most remembered even after just one encounter. Then the deeper connection of My love can be made (which is embedded inside them), for it speaks to the need of the individual and promotes eternal change.

This is why it’s not important to focus on these obvious trappings, for this is not where true life exists and is not the source of real impact within others. Though the world uses this shallow mode to bring others distinction, My chosen need to fend off this type of vain recognition of allowing their eyes to do the leading, by disregarding the outer shell as a standard of importance. For what does this practice profit another? Does it lead to a higher revelation of Me? No. This way of thinking only brings in unhealthy competition, which is not what I desire among My children.

Though I think it a good practice to do those things which promote strength in your body, I am not unhappy with any because of their build, for My affections always remain the same. I never disqualify any from service because they may appear, to some, to be less than perfect. This is not how I deem whether one is worthy of the plan I have spoken over them.

For even My own Son did not fit the description the world had set in expectation for the coming Messiah, thinking His arrival would be something regal, with the stature of one who was more dignified and stately. Because many fell into this type of thinking, their hearts were misled away from knowing Me personally.The attitude God desires in His body is impartiality as Handpicked | My Daily Letters - MDL

When I choose one who is acceptable, call them out to be My messenger, the outward shell has little appeal for the reason behind the asking. Though there are times when those who have some physical challenges may be called to step out into a larger capacity, this is always about the work My Son has done inside them, illustrating the point that I do not place restrictions upon those who are allowed to speak as ambassadors for My heavenly kingdom.

Many may view some as insignificant and want to regulate their standing within the brethren based upon superficial qualities, but the point to be made is simply this- I do not treat any of My children as inferior, and ALL are held in a favorable position. For what I see when I look upon each of them is never based on anything but My love. So then, the gifts I have set in any of these vessels has My stamp of approval and should be allowed room for expansion.

Therefore, when a heart has been softened by humility and is pliable to My leading, physical appearance should never be viewed as a deterrent or placed as a limit on what I am doing.

The structure I had in mind for My body was meant to resemble the courts of My kingdom, where everyone is allowed the room for an authentic expression of who I created them to be: a living example of My Son, the One who dwells inside them. It is His likeness which is to be most desired, setting My chosen on equal footing, with the understanding that He alone is worthy of all their attention. Then, once confinement and limitations are lifted, none are restricted from the opportunity to be a greater extension of My heavenly realm, creating an inviting community where any and all are welcomed to join in.

So then, when what is seen within My people is different, where potential is not categorized in the same fashion as the world, (because the measuring stick of value has been removed), each one found in My Son has the liberty to stand in their true identity, as the person I created them to be.

For in My house and in My body, there is to be no partiality; ALL should be accepted and seen through the same lens regardless of first impressions. Because the inner being, the unseen, is where I am working, it is to be counted with much more significance than the look of the external shell. If this is where My focus rests, then My children need to follow suit, determined to see another’s worth more clearly by looking on a much deeper level, beyond those things which are perishing, and onto that which is eternal. For the space within a person, which holds the utmost importance to Me, is that which lies beneath the surface.

 “But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

(Received: 12/2/2018)

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