The Place Of True Contentment

by Lori Anne Hale
Through a relationship with God is the only way to find real inner peace as The Place of True Contentment | My Daily Letters - MDL

True contentment is not found in your surroundings or the things you own. It is found in Me, in who I am, by the one who seeks to dwell in the sanctuary of My presence; whose eyes are fixed above the temporal things of this life. For now, their sights are focused upon the place where I dwell, as if entering a safe harbor with quiet waters and tranquil seas; guided into port by the soft whisper of My voice (which always points to the perfect place of entry as the corridor for discovering inner peace) where the cares of this world can be abandoned, left behind in the rough seas of struggle, cast aside as if thrown out into the waves.

Because their thoughts are anchored upon Me, though these concerns are not forgotten, the weight of each worry has been lifted (as if floating out on the water) unburdening this vessel as it glides into My docks. So then, when the sound of distant thunder is heard bringing with it a shift in the current, this one is able to maintain contentment, for we have been permanently united through the sacrifice of My Son and are tethered together with an unbreakable cord. Therefore, this port of rest will always remain open, accessible no matter where we journey, even if it leads into the mysterious ocean of uncertainty, where heavy fog is known to cloud the way for clear navigation and conceal from view the common instruments used to gain a sense of heading. However, this portal of serenity always lies just before them, for it is carried within each of My children.

Though there may be unexplored waters ahead, this vessel can choose to sail through undisturbed simply by learning the way to maintain ease in their inner man during the severe weather of testing; which is, to enter into the shelter of My presence. There is no other haven which can offer the true rest that abiding with Me produces, for any refuge designed by man will only bring a temporary feeling of relief inside, as a momentary distraction from disappointment and weariness.

When My sanctuary is set as the destination, and wandering thoughts have been cast aside, the quality of authentic peace can emerge. For the environment I have created, as our point of meeting, cultivates a calm interior by displacing every care and concern with the well-being of one who is no longer troubled. When a child from My Kingdom elevates their thoughts (situating their view upon those things above), a confidence is generated within, leaving no room for doubt to exist. Even a raging storm cannot shake the contentedness known by one such as this, because they have placed their trust in a Captain who guides His vessels masterfully and without fail, for I am able to lead beyond the torrential rains meant for disaster. Though dark clouds may build with billowing winds and high waves, the fear of capsizing is far removed because this one has already felt the buoyancy of traveling through more aggressive seas with Me at the helm.Our shelter through any storm is God's presence as The Place of True Contentment | My Daily Letters - MDL

Yet even a well-weathered vessel is only able to maintain the correct heading when I am allowed to man the wheel and is content to have Me set the direction of our voyage. Once this one becomes accustomed to giving Me room, I can make the needed course corrections and adjust the pace as we move out beyond where it feels secure. Then, I am able to push us past every barrier which outlined the shallow waters this vessel had been inhabiting, thus opening up a fresh vision, set in the landscape of a broadened horizon where new shorelines are sure to be experienced; of destinations previously thought to be too far out of reach, although easily realized as part of our travel, for I have included amazing points of interest along the way.

The heart that remains committed to Me (one that is not swept away by the current or the waves) is a vessel that has found the place where true contentment lies. Therefore, it can withstand a bit of motion rolling underneath the bow but is not easily swayed to turn about or drop anchor before it is time. For now, there is a determination which has been established within this one to see our voyage through to completion; to carry on beyond the edge, which has caused others to stop due to concerns about falling.

Since this vessel has stared fear in the face and seen Me bring them through, they know I will continue to be their “keeper”, even if a giant wave rises up and begins to flow towards them, threatening to overturn their very existence. Even then, true contentment is still possible, for their future rests in My hands and is not determined by the fierceness of the sea, for I AM able to calm every storm and bring it to stillness so there is nothing but clear sailing beyond, held in the forecast of smooth waters with a brilliant horizon ahead.

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3


(Received: 1/22/2019)

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