Squatter, Trespasser, Interloper, Supplanter

by Lori Anne Hale
For the Church in America it is time to rise up from Squatter, Trespasser, Interloper, Supplanter | My Daily Letters - MDL

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Have I not already delivered you from the fowler’s snare; have I not kept your feet on dry ground as I had promised? Do you not see that your enemy has been hemmed in, and that it is no longer he, but I, who has authority over your life? Then by what right can the enemy lay claim to ground that is no longer his? It is only because the one charged with keeping the field has allowed this squatter to remain.

But I say to you, and all those who dwell in Zion, I shall not tolerate his presence any longer in and amongst My people, for territory that should be teaming with a springtime harvest has seen very little growth because this trespasser stole many seeds that I, the Owner, had planted.

However, upon the dawn of this new era has come a season of reclamation, where I, the Lord Almighty, shall put a swift end to the enemy’s games. I have watched for too long as this wolf has fooled My own (those who should know better) into accepting him into their folds. Since his appearance seemed harmless, many which I had assigned to oversee My fields gave this vagrant a small plot of ground to prop his tent. Yet these wrongly perceived the damage he would bring upon both the Church as a whole, and to the individual believers in their flocks.

As a consequence, much upheaval shall occur throughout My houses, for as I drive this supplanter from their midst, the Church will undergo a time of tribulation, as the enemy shall not go quietly, but instead, will use his influence against My Beloved, persuading the weak and immature to flee with him, returning to the desolate ground of this world.

Then you who were called to be My hands and feet must reject any alliance you have formed with this interloper, and break off any ties you still have with him so that as I purge the Church of the idolatry and worldliness she has embraced, you won’t be led astray as shall quite a number of your brethren. For broad is this road that leads to destruction, and many are the foolish who follow it.

So then examine now the territory you have been given. Inspect closely your whole acreage, and where you find evidence that the enemy is still present, do not wait, but promptly evict him. For once you became one with My Son, this intruder lost his ‘say’ over your days. Therefore, though it may take a little bit of convincing that you are serious, insist that he leave. Yet if you stand in My authority and ignore his dispute, he will soon pack up and leave like an unwelcome guest.

So do not put up with this bully any longer, for it is time to see the Church rise up and possess the whole land which she was given: that rich soil I guaranteed as her promised inheritance.

“For this reason He is the mediator of a new covenant, so that, since a death has taken place for the redemption of the transgressions that were committed under the first covenant, those who have been called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance.”         Hebrews 9:15 

(Received: 3/15/2021)

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