The Lie Of False Virtue

by Lori Anne Hale
For lockdown violations Americans are being pushed to turn in their neighbors from The Lie OF False Virtue | My Daily Letters - MDL

A spirit of mockery has been unleashed upon this nation, filling the atmosphere with a sense of loathing, as he comes to pit neighbor against neighbor, promoting strife through her airwaves by using language that sounds virtuous, but which, in reality, breeds offense and hatred, as it targets those who ignore the pandemic guidelines by shaming only them for their “selfish behavior”.

So across this fair land a divisive message is being pushed urging “responsible” citizens, those who are obviously more caring, to “unofficially” police their communities and turn against those who don’t comply with shutdown restrictions. And while many won’t think it their business to tell others what to do, some who have already embraced this contemptuous spirit, will have no problem turning on their fellow citizens, for in their opinion “it’s the greater good” of the people that matters, justifying their actions as warranted if it will successfully curb the spread of the virus.

And so, among the high seats of authority sits a man, one toted as an expert in his field, which is why he was selected to lead the effort of eradicating this “viral killer” from America. But because he is an ambitious sort, his quick ascension to power only served to feed the arrogance he already held. For who wouldn’t become puffed up when given kingly rule seemingly overnight?

Yet to keep his position, this man aligned himself with both foreign and domestic leaders who hold a hatred for this nation and are opposed to her freedoms. But when a person climbs in bed with the devil, there’s always a hidden doorway underneath the covers, one which opens to the unseen realm where dark spirits and principalities dwell.

From a foreign land a more divisive spirit has entered America speaking The Lies Of False Virtue | My Daily Letters - MDL

When this man agreed to join this pact, though his decision to do so was a purely prideful act, his affirmation of their demonic ideas gave permission for a more divisive spirit to enter this nation: one that hails from a foreign land where he has been successful at creating a deep division within its people.

Then with virtuous sounding rhetoric, mockery has begun digging a ravine within the territories of this nation; his goal being to divide the people who live here, keeping them from holding any sense of unity, because he knows a country divided cannot stand for long.

Oh, how easily man still falls for the enemy’s schemes, as selfishness and pride will always be his downfall; which is why the devil has kept to the same old strategy that he used in the Garden.

However, there are some who walk among men who carry a wisdom not of this world, those who can discern where and how the enemy has employed his attacks. These have been given vision that goes beyond the physical realm, for their sight can penetrate into the unseen, thereby knowing exactly how to combat the demonic schemes the enemy has plotted. It is up to these, whose perfect vision is not impaired by confusion, to launch out after this spirit of mockery. For while he has fooled many into accepting his lies, those who can plainly see behind his charade must put an end to his game.

That the heavy influence of mockery is broken off America believers must pray from The Lies Of False Virtue | My Daily Letters - MDL

And though this man himself is not the enemy, the dark forces with which he has partnered stand in evil opposition to humanity. So then, stripping off his masquerade is where your warfare must be aimed, enabling his fraudulent behavior to be exposed. For while there does exist a real virus in this nation, it is not the true threat to her people, for what has been claimed by this doctor about its effects on the overall population are grossly exaggerated. No, the real menace coming against this nation is demonic, which therefore must be exposed and then battled using spiritual warfare.

Pray, then, that this man and his evil partnership are revealed, but not just so the public is informed, as the spirit of mockery won’t leave just because he is exposed. My own must contend against him and clear out every place within the government where his lies have been heard, for even a toehold will give him permission to torment Americans with his evil propaganda.

Know then, that the heavy influence of mockery which has spread across this land must be broken off, no longer allowing him to hold any power over her people. It is this more aggressive foreign spirit which ultimately seeks to set up an illegitimate throne, designed to rule right alongside with fear, as both desire to lock down this nation with a strong chain of governmental bondage, to which all are linked, and very few are able to escape.

Then mockery’s avenue of advancement must be cut off, for he intends to use national health as his way to assert authority and then seize power. So the agencies and those who oversee the “well-being” of this country should not be overlooked in your prayers, for too much authority has already been given to these departments.

So contend against this evil foe in order to break off his firm handhold, so that he then loses his grip of the ground he has stolen. Send him back to the pit where he belongs, for it’s time for the brighter days of My Glory to again shine across this entire nation.

“Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.” Galatians 6:7

(Received: 12/14/2020)

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