No Chastisement

by Lori Anne Hale
Gods presence dwells in all believers because of Jesus from No Chastisement | My Daily Letters - MDL

There no longer exists any chastisement for their sins for those who are in Christ. 

This penalty was removed from the shoulders of the repentant heart and placed upon His. Every transgression committed by the vagrant, the scoffer, and all those whose feet are found having trodden in the miry ravine of sin, He has borne.

So then, who among mankind would not be drawn to such kindness (for surely this selfless act was undeserved)?

But alas, the way of the Cross is still foolishness to many, as these who cannot perceive their great need, reject what was so lovingly given, leaving them the true paupers of this world.

Because upon His shoulders every sin is now laid, repentance is met with full forgiveness for the ones who recognize the low condition of their soul, and the due penalty they would have received is expunged from their record; shifting their reputation over to where those who have been freed from the judgment and sure punishment of sin reside; bearing the new name: “blameless”. Since these are now numbered among the elect, counted as children of Heaven, and known as those who make up the ekklesia, they are the habitation for My presence here on earth.

The door to Gods presence is kept permanently open by the blood of Jesus from No Chastisement | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then not only did His sacrifice bring redemption to the lost, to all whose hearts were hardened with the pride of disobedience, but His spilled blood tore open the curtain, allowing all who are righteous to commune with their Heavenly Father. Those who are found in this favored position have, therefore, been gifted with “permission” to now enter the fullness of My presence. Not only have they been awarded everlasting life, but are the beneficiaries of undeserved grace, which carries a standing invitation to enter My throne room no matter the day or the hour.

Yet even if these should be tempted to sin, or fall back into some sort of fleshly habit, though their conduct does cause Me concern, and though these wayward children will know some correction, they are never cast off or rejected, as it is the blood of My Son (and not the merits of their own behavior) which keeps the door to My presence open. It was His act of atonement alone which finds any at the foot of My mercy seat, and it shall forever be through Him alone, that believers can cross the threshold to where I am waiting.

Then, let none who belong to the fellowship of Christ, those chosen to join the elect, think that this guarantee of abiding with their Father is reserved for only a few. Remember, it is not your own reputation that qualifies you to enter in. Conversely, don’t look at yourself and think your failings are the reason which automatically counts you out, keeping you from now enjoying a closer friendship with Me. For you have been cloaked with the robes of righteousness, which always grants permission into My dwelling place: that hallowed ground where all of the saints are welcome.

Don’t forget that the penalty for sin has already been paid for those immortal souls of the redeemed, leaving them standing guiltless; each one now seen as “acceptable”, awash in His Glory, and who shall never be declined a face to face meeting with Me.

If you have sinned, then repent, and don’t allow this misstep to prevent you from running into My presence. For there is no condemnation awaiting you here, only the love of a Father who adores you.

“Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?” 1 Corinthians 3:16

(Received: 11/18/2020)

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