Yesterday Is Over

by Lori Anne Hale
Most believers live from second place instead of standing as victors though Yesterday Is Over | My Daily Letters - MDL

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Yesterday is over, there is only today. Yet so many of My children are still holding on to the past, carrying it within their hearts as if in a satchel, where each failure, wound, or offense can be easily accessed, then examined over and over again.

However, this does not depict what it means to live as overcomers, as unresolved pain hanging around their necks like a heavy milestone, is keeping them from knowing the full freedom granted them through My Son. And while some of them would say about these cares as being just “water under the bridge”, until they have opened their hearts and allow “reconciliation” to complete its work, they shall never be able to walk in their truest identity, for “what was” will always keep them linked to who they used to be.

But this needn’t be so, since Christ’s atoning blood has already severed these chains. Therefore, the only way the past can maintain its power in their lives is if they grant it the permission to remain by refusing to break ties with “what was”. And since it appears easier to leave well enough alone, many who are Mine (those whom I call “triumphant”) do not live as winners, but instead, stand on the podium of this life in a lesser position, similar to that of a runner up, as one who finished in second place.

Although, at the end of their days each of My own will ultimately end up in the winners circle, it is the ‘here and now’ where I am focused, for My children should regard themselves as victors in the present day, thereby shaking off the shackles of “what was” through repentance and forgiveness, as some have yet to yield their whole selves in surrender to the finished work of the Cross.

Are these children saved? By all means yes! But each one who is Mine must undergo the process of sanctification, where their inner man is crucified like Christ until the old is dead, and they are transformed into the image of My Son.Upon their heads believers where the crown of victory since Yesterday Is Over | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then which of My children should accept a consolation prize, when I have placed the crown of victory upon their heads? Why any should settle for a lesser position is foolishness, for what wisdom is there in living as paupers when permission has been given by the King of all kings to dwell upon this earth as His noble children, those who are heirs to His throne?

So then, see yourselves as such, and no longer listen to the liar, whose deceptive words have convinced many believers to stay shackled to the past, even though these bonds have been unlocked, and are, therefore, easily shaken off.

Then, dear ones, stand in today, eager to finally put the past behind you, so that the voice of “what was” can no longer trouble your heart. This does not mean that those failures, wounds, and offenses are to be ignored, but neither are they to be brought forth as a source of justification, in order to support the idea of victimhood. If amends need to be made, then step forward and make peace with your brethren. If you were the one injured, then repent of your unforgiveness and lay down this grudge, for which of you has the right to hold issue with anyone who has wronged you when the One who is perfect forgave all, even those who sentenced Him to suffer an excruciating death on the Cross?

It is time for this generation of My children to rise up as victors, and stop living in second place, as you who were called have the right and authority to take back dominion from the devil, even though he has come to those who would listen with words that sound reasonable: words which convince these who are champions to assume this lower rank so that he is able to maintain his place of dominance over their lives.

Then while it is today, rid yourselves of “what was”. And as you begin discarding these old, heavy chains, a new sense of internal freedom shall be birthed, thus giving way for a fuller expression of My Son’s love to manifest in your lives. For you were called to be the living embodiment of Him before family and strangers alike: those who testify of My goodness in any and every place your feet touch the ground.



“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”-John 8:36

(Received: 3/23/2021)

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