
by Lori Anne Hale
For an unexpected diversion believers in this nation should prepare that is Unavoidable | My Daily Letters - MDL

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America is about to turn a corner, as the direction she is headed shall suddenly change, for I have determined this shift to be necessary if what has been stolen is to be restored.

Then like a vehicle that suddenly alters course because the one behind the wheel refused to follow the predetermined route, so, too, have those who jumped in the driver’s seat without permission steered this nation onto the wrong path, and unless I set up a detour now, it will take decades to bring her back into alignment with the roadmap I had planned for her future.

While this diversion is unavoidable, it shall take this people through new ground, down roads that will be unsettling, but that will eventually open up to a glorious horizon, where this Republic remains a bedrock of freedom for future generations.

Therefore, fasten your seatbelts, as the ride is about to become quite bumpy, for in order to guide this nation back onto the right trajectory means reclaiming the driver’s seat, which shall cause a ruckus in and amongst the elite in Washington. So although these illegitimate leaders have pressed the accelerator hoping to generate enough momentum that there would be no turning back from their plan to fundamentally change America, they could never gain enough traction to outrun Me.

Then, from seemingly out of nowhere, an unavoidable roadblock shall appear putting a halt to their progress. However, these foolish leaders have yet to comprehend the solid barrier that lies just around the bend, for their view has been obstructed by greed and corruption like the windshield of a car that is covered with dirt and grime.A corner America is about to turn that is Unavoidable | My Daily Letters - MDL

And so a sudden jolt shall be felt throughout this nation as My hand takes control of the driving, leaving those who had been in the front seat out on a desolate road. For even when given yet another opportunity to yield, these wicked leaders refused to align with My will.

Understand, Beloved, that much confusion shall fall upon this land in the coming days, which is why you must hold tightly to Me, and secure yourself in My presence. For while all around you there may be calamity and distress, if you abide in Me as your covering, then it is possible to know internal peace, regardless of the happenings in the world.

So seek out this tranquil abode even now. For as you learn to enter this habitation during quieter days, then when the atmosphere in the nation intensifies, you shall already know how to find your way back to where My still waters flow.

“Oh, how abundant is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you and worked for those who take refuge in you, in the sight of the children of mankind! In the cover of your presence you hide them from the plots of men; you store them in your shelter from the strife of tongues.” -Psalm 31:19-20

(Received: 3/31/2021)

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