Deep Are The Groanings

by Lori Anne Hale
To the pressure of God's judgment the earth is reacting so Deep Are The Groanings | My Daily Letters - MDL

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[Vision: I saw a dormant volcano suddenly erupt, catching people by surprise. As I watched, the lava ran down the hillside into the coastal town below, eventually flowing into the ocean. I heard screams as the townspeople, who were dressed in ancient clothing, were running in terror, looking for a way to escape the fiery lava. Slaves and aristocrats alike were now on equal footing, for calamity does not discriminate against the lives it chooses to claim.]

Then I heard the Lord say:

The top of this mountain shall indeed blow, for what was thought to be dormant shall rumble back to life, filling the sky with smoke and ash, and causing many to fear that the end is near. But this is not yet the time for the world to cease. What is being witnessed is a sign that My judgment has come upon the inhabitants of this Earth, for grave is the evil done in My sight.

And while most will chalk up these seismic events as simply coincidental random anomalies, those who have been listening and paying close attention know that these are not mere coincidences, for they have heard My warnings that judgment is indeed coming.

Sudden volcanic activity won’t be the only cause for the ground to shake, as earthquakes shall be felt across the globe, leaving some regions to deal with extensive damage. Then, like the sound of a locomotive as it rumbles across the tracks, these tremors shall be heard before they are felt, for so deep are the groanings of the Earth because of the wickedness done upon its surface. All of creation now lies waiting for the sons of God to rise up and take back their rightful authority, asserting their dominance over the enemy of man.

Then similar to a pressure cooker that needs to release built up steam, the planet itself is only exhibiting a reaction to the pressure of My judgment upon it. And so, in this season, earthquakes and eruptions shall continue as My hand sweeps in and through the nations of this world, clearing out the ‘iniquitous’ from the high seats of power; even those who built kingdoms within the Church. For I shall not spare any who have sought to exalt themselves above My Throne.

Therefore do not be concerned that the end of all days is upon you. What you are hearing is simply the sounds of Me moving the world and its inhabitants back into alignment with My purposes established for this generation of man, in order that the fullness of My will unfolds in exact accordance with the eternal plan I had set forth before the Earth was ever formed.

So remain undisturbed when you hear that this planet is being shaken. Instead of giving your heart over to worry, be at rest. Then, pray that those who shall be caught up in My judgment turn to Me in repentance, so that I may show them compassion and pour out mercy upon their heads.

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.” -Romans 8:18-21

(Received: 4/7/2021)

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