Beyond The Horizon

by Lori Anne Hale
Upon the Church shall be unleashed a fierce storm from Beyond The Horizon | My Daily Letters - MDL

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The wicked have no real teeth against My anointed, as to them, evildoers are like belligerent dogs whose bark is stronger than its bite. For what do My own have to fear from anyone, even those who threaten bodily harm, simply because of their faith in Me?

However, in the coming days there will be some of the saints who shall be challenged to make a stand of faith, where they must choose to either denounce My Name or face physical harm. And while believers in other nations have already endured brutal attacks and have even been put to death, all for the sake of My Kingdom, the Church in this country has not had to face this level of religious hatred and bigotry.

This shall not be true for much longer, as the enemy will ramp up his campaign against those who proclaim themselves followers of Christ. And since most believers have gone back to the old order of being the ‘Church’, they have made themselves easy targets for this coming persecution. Though it’s a simple thing to say, “Jesus is My Savior”, when it’s a guaranteed right of citizenship, this acknowledgment of His deity has greater implications when the government creates laws to penalize those who are ‘discovered’ to be His followers. 

How fortunate then are the people of this land that the Constitution still stands, for though the enemy has set a scheme in place to override these founding tenets, and is seeking to strip away any amendment or law that upholds religious freedom, he shall fail to accomplish this goal. But this does not mean, however, that the Church will avoid knowing an even more intense attack before the enemy is subdued, for I tell you now that believers in this nation shall be astounded by the events which lie just ahead.

So while I had hoped to spare the saints in this land from facing the coming persecution, now, it cannot be avoided. For when I asked believers to gather in their homes, very few bothered to listen, and have thus ignored My wishes, leaving them exposed and out in the open, like prey that is easy to catch. Then this error in judgment shall cause dire consequences for some when public hostility towards the Church is heightened due to the virus; fueling the anger carried in those who already hold animosity towards Christians: those who are prone to violent outbursts and fits of rage.

Understand, Beloved, that just beyond the horizon, a fierce storm is brewing that shall be unleashed against the Church; one blustering with such extreme conditions that those unprepared shall panic due to its threatening nature, causing them to flee from Me. 

So don’t mistake these more peaceful days as a sign that trouble has passed, when quite the opposite is true. Which is why you must not be lulled by distractions, but should endeavor to spend these days pressing into My Presence, for here your inner man shall be strengthened, so that as these more difficult days unfold you won’t be tempted to run, but shall stand in your faith and endure this trial until it ends.

(Received: 4/13/2021)

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