
by Lori Anne Hale
On a American soil the persecution seen in other lands shall be seen as a Groundswell | My Daily Letters - MDL

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A groundswell is building with increased momentum, as those who oppose the Church become more assertive in their opposition, and actually advocate for the use of force against those who will not recant their stand of faith.

And so the persecution already being seen in other lands shall even happen here on American soil, for those who have sought to censor the views of believers in this nation are taking the necessary steps to silence any voice that speaks the Truth. Then it won’t be long before social media accounts aren’t the only platforms shut down, as those spiritual leaders who vocalize their objections to the current administration are accused of causing dissent amongst the people, and so are to be considered a threat to the State.

For this reason, the faith of many who are known as My children shall be tested, for as I have said before, “the enemy will not leave quietly”, and therefore shall create quite a commotion within the Church, hoping to cause much damage before he goes.

Then those who promote love and compassion shall be treated like criminals, with their only real offense being that they are representatives of My Kingdom: those who are called to be ambassadors for Christ.  Believers must understand that this wave of persecution is growing, and with each passing day shall increase in size so that when it fully hits the Church, the impact shall cause many to falter in their faith.

To endure the coming persecution believers must build themselves up in the Lord from Groundswell | My Daily Letters - MDL

Therefore, heed this admonition and take seriously the aggression already coming against your brethren who hail from other lands, as very soon this authoritarian oppression shall rise in the United States. And while most believers in America aren’t much concerned with the happenings around the world, the warning signs of this coming persecution are plainly seen, which should send My children to their knees.

Yet, though I have spoken through My prophets that the Church is about to be shaken, the number caught off guard shall indeed be large, for these foolish children heard but have not listened because unbelief has grabbed a hold of their hearts. And so a multitude who claimed to be Mine will be swept away by the tow of this groundswell, as those who never really surrendered themselves to Me will easily walk away from the Church when their faith is challenged.

But you who have listened and taken My words to heart, be of good courage and strengthen yourselves in Me. For as you stand steadfast in your faith, the light that you carry shall shine even brighter, bearing witness to the world of your Savior.

So build yourself up in Me. Feed upon My word and be nourished in My Presence, so that when facing the coming persecution, you will persevere without giving up; rejoicing along the way, because you know that when tribulation is present, if you continue to endure and allow My Spirit to do its work, then on the other side you shall discover that a more Christ-like character has developed within.

Then do not look around and see the suffering of others, thinking this trouble shall not befall the Church in America. Instead, ready yourselves so that when the groundswell reaches this nation, you are more than prepared to withstand the adversity that it brings upon these shores.

“Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through Him, we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” –Romans 5:1-5

(Received: 5/12/2021)

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