The Show

by Lori Anne Hale
The performance based Church God is calling to an end from The Show | My Daily Letters - MDL

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“The show must go on” is the attitude displayed by many Church leaders today. Despite her obvious flaws, they see no reason to change the performance now, as believers are still willing to fill their seats and accept a mediocre impression of being a Kingdom community here on the earth. And since most who belong to Me have not been taught that a fuller expression of the Church is achievable in the here and now, My children have, therefore, settled for a lesser version: one that stifles their gifts and seeks to place limitations on who they are becoming in Christ.

So, “on with the show” is the current direction the Church is headed, as once the theatre lights are turned down and the spotlight is directed to center stage, the performance is still unchanged, with those cast in lead roles acting like celebrities in a show, instead of shepherds called to care for My flock. For while there was a brief intermission from congregational meetings during the pandemic, because the doors are again open, the next act has begun; exactly the same as before but with a few slight variations in audience participation, as some governmental guidelines are being followed. 

Although it has been prophesied that revival shall flow through the Church, she is not yet ready to receive this blessing from Me, for most believers are content to remain in this lesser state of existence as the Church, as it requires very little of their time and involves no internal pressure to grow spiritually. While some assume the resurgence is well underway, they have mistaken what is happening in certain pockets of the Church as a sign that revival is here. Although this fiery wind has begun to blow high in the atmosphere, its flame has not, however, appeared on the earth to ignite the spirits of believers and cause a surge to flow within My children. 

Are there any believers left who are looking for this visitation from Holy Spirit, or is the Church happy to keep the status quo? And because of this internal acquiescence, have these completely forgotten about My promised revival?

Then like a shockwave that is so intense, it is felt across many regions, so shall the Church be shaken, for she has yet to be hit with the full magnitude of this spiritual quake. And while I have given several previous warnings to My Children that adversity lies just ahead, these predictions have fallen upon mostly deaf ears, for how could those who have never known persecution think it would suddenly rise against them?

But indeed, this shall be! And so believers should take heed and prepare, for I am calling forth the end to the performance-based Church. Instead, I am reviving believers to live lives as the true ekklesia, where Christ is once again the head and My name is honored above those of pastors and spiritual leaders. For I desire a place where the five-fold ministry is reestablished to govern over the assemblies of the brethren, and where all believers are encouraged to walk in their complete identity, without any hindrances built-in to prohibit both their inner development and the flow of Holy Spirit.

Then during this season where adversity shall be found, even more so shall revival abound in and through the Church. For as this Great Awakening unfolds, the reappearance of My ekklesia shall once again be seen upon the earth.


“He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. And He is the head of the body, the church; He is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything He might have the supremacy.” – Colossians 1:17-18

(Received: 4/20/2021)

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