An Arrogant Strut

by Lori Anne Hale
An ancient vendetta the enemy is still holding onto from Arrogant Strut | My Daily Letters - MDL

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When an ape beats his chest, this sign of aggression is only about asserting his dominance over the others in his collective, as a way to communicate that he is in fact the boss.

So what is happening now on Israel’s soil is the enemy letting the world know that he now stands unopposed, and so is making a show to intimidate any who would consider challenging his position of authority.

Then like those foolish nations who came against My “Old Covenant” people, the enemy is still holding on to an ancient vendetta, looking for the perfect opening to seize control over this territory, for he has never been successful at fully occupying this land.

So with an arrogant strut, the enemy can be seen pacing back and forth across the border, taunting the Israeli people with his incessant attacks. Since their strongest ally is no longer to be trusted for support, the conflict in this region will only intensify due to the lack of American backing. Her weakened state has, therefore, bolstered the enemy’s confidence, for the United States is being drained of her global power and influence.

To the enemy, this means he can ramp up his efforts against those known as “My people”. To him, physically taking this ground would indeed be a considerable trophy. Even though the world now rests under a “New Covenant”, this symbolic act would signal to the universe of his rise in power.To the enemy taking this ground would be a considerable trophy from Arrogant Strut | My Daily Letters - MDL

But try as he might to run ahead, My hand is still constraining his movements, which is the reason his attack at this time isn’t broader in scope and size.

However, while the prayers of My saints should be lifted for the nation and people of Israel, let none become so hyper-focused on the battle in this region that they neglect the campaign still being fought on their own soil, as the war to restore America back to governance by her people still rages on. 

Then yes, contend for Israel, so that the conflict brewing comes to a quick end. But also continue fighting for this nation so that she regains her place as the world leader once again: that higher purpose I established for her long before she was even a concept in the hearts of her founding fathers.

Know then that what is occurring in Israel is the devil pounding his chest, wanting to be seen as the supreme ruler over this world and its inhabitants. But you needn’t fret over his bellowing, for very soon he will have lost his reason to clamor about.

“Now those who had gathered together began to ask Jesus, “Lord, is this the time when you will restore the kingdom to Israel?” He answered them, “It isn’t for you to know what times or periods the Father has fixed by his own authority.” Acts 1:6-7


(Received: 5/14/2021)

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