Wall Of Resistance

by Lori Anne Hale
To the Church a division is coming like a Wall Of Resistance | My Daily Letters - MDL

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Like wheat being sifted from the tares, where what is unprofitable is separated out so that only a pure crop is gleaned, a division is coming to My Body, where the lukewarm will no longer be mingled in with the true brethren: those who walk in spirit and truth.

Then as My hand vigorously shakes the foundations of the Church, more shall leave the communities of believers. For though some, during the lockdown, have already faltered and left, the agitation that is coming in the days ahead will cause an even greater falling away.

However, within those who remain, there shall be a parting, where the heartier stalks (those rich in golden color) are set apart in the harvest and kept from co-mingling with the paler bundles.

And so even during this season of revival, those believers who were caught in the wind of My Spirit shall be met with a wall of resistance from among their brethren. For while a great harvest is predicted, those who desire platforms and notoriety will seek to control the masses by pushing back against the ekklesia when she fully emerges.

Then just as has happened in earlier moves of My Spirit, the fire that was lit began to diminish in some, as personal agendas outweighed My Kingdom’s purposes, stifling this flame and hindering its spread.If they will partner with God's will each believer must decide from Wall Of Resistance | My Daily Letters - MDL

So though many shall be the number that come to Christ in this time of revival, there will be a push to establish a universal conformity amongst My Body as a whole by those who are still tethered to a religious spirit, as these are already attempting to create a common standard which all should follow and comply. As a consequence, some of these leaders who have come into agreement with this petition shall indeed lose their place of prominence in My Kingdom, for they have joined with those who stand in opposition to the operation of Holy Spirit in the Church today: those who are seeking to censor the prophetic move within My Body.

Even though the Church shall face some persecution in this season, once the dust settles, those who were content with the status quo won’t let go of what was, and so shall re-establish the same flow in their congregational gatherings. Yet those who have tasted and seen shall not be satisfied with this old batch of wine, which is the reason the ekklesia shall come forth from the Church. For these sons and daughters shall be the living embodiment of My Kingdom here on the earth, a glorious expression of Christ’s love on display for the whole world to see.

Then know that indeed a line shall divide My Body, where those who desire to remain neutral will feel pressured by the more assertive in the flock to choose a side, as Church leaders once again try to curtail Holy Spirit through oppressive doctrines and distortions of Godly principles.

Therefore, it is up to the individual believer where they will stand. Though My love for you shall remain, it is your decision to partner with the new I am doing in My Body. I shall not force it upon you. However, be aware that this is an important choice and should not be taken lightly. For those who decide against joining with My will shall not see the fulfillment of the promises I have spoken over their lives.

So heed this warning and carefully consider what you shall do.

“And the Lord said, “Simon, Simon, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.” Luke 22:31-32.


(Received: 6/2/2021)

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