Tribal Drums

by Lori Anne Hale
Many tribal communities the Good News has yet to reach from Tribal Drums | My Daily Letters - MDL

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The tribal drums have begun beating in rhythm with an ancient sound: that same pulse which was heard long ago. For upon the lands of this nation dwell a native people, those who preceded the Pilgrims and Pioneers.

However, these indigenous tribes worshipped pagan gods, for the Good News had yet to reach most of their village communities. And while an effort was started by some early missionaries to instruct the native people in the teachings of Christ, but because of abusive treatment by some settlers, and even in later years the American government, any trust that was established has long since been broken.

Then since amends were never made between the indigenous people and those who encroached on their land, a stronghold of bitterness has been allowed to stand within this culture, as those with lighter skin are viewed with suspicion, and should, therefore, be kept at a distance, for history has proven that the “white man” is not a trustworthy sort.

And while it is a fact that the true natives of this nation were, at times, treated inhumanely, their current cultural struggles cannot be blamed on the past, for it is demonic oppression that is holding this people in bondage, as the worship of their pagan gods has opened the way for dark forces to hold dominion over each tribe: those who still bow before foreign altars seeking spirit guides to show them the right path.Within the native community a stronghold of bitterness has been allowed to stand from Tribal Drums | My Daily Letters - MDL

Though not many from the Church have considered the plight of these native tribes, I have not forgotten this people, as I desire to pour out My healing salve upon their lands and restore back what the true enemy stole from them centuries ago.

Then I have come to bring reconciliation and restoration, so that, within this population, an awakening to the Truth that has never been seen before within these tribal people is brought forth; where the generational bondage of ‘poverty and lack’ is broken off, and the root of prejudice against those considered their oppressors is dug up and cast out.

But this spiritual shift will only manifest if My children, who are called by My name, will contend for reconciliation to happen. For during this season, the new I am doing shall be found across every people group and nation.

Therefore pray for your native friends, that the eyes of their hearts are open and they finally know the Truth. Cry out on their behalf, so that they understand, at last, how deeply they are loved by their Heavenly Father. Consider this people now. Seek My throne on their behalf. For even across the reservations where they dwell, Holy Spirit is preparing to blow the winds of revival.

“After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!”-Revelation 7:9-10


(Received: 5/31/2021)

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