This Foreign Leader

by Lori Anne Hale
Upon the leaders of Canada the weight of God's judgment has fallen from This Foreign Leader | My Daily Letters - MDL

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Then a visitor shall emerge from the North seeking asylum, looking for a port of refuge where he can be protected from those who are in pursuit of justice. But who can hide themselves away from the hand of My judgment once I have decided a person is no longer fit to serve in public office, nor oversee the matters of a country or nation?

And so, from the highest court, I have issued My ruling, finding this foreign leader guilty as charged. For though his country has had a relatively peaceful existence, this shall not be the case for much longer.

So then, like an enemy aircraft that has been flying low so as not to be detected by those it opposes, this foreign leader has sought a more obscure path to power. Even though he has presented himself as an ally of this nation, his true colors shall be revealed, leaving no question as to whose side he is really on. For I have seen all of his wicked deeds, as not even the cover of darkness could conceal his evil actions from being caught on My radar. And since he conspired with those who formed a rebellion against My sovereignty, neither shall he be spared from the consequences of his actions.

Then suddenly, he, too, shall realize the full weight of My judgment as it falls upon him. For though he has thought himself to be a king, very soon he shall be exiled from his would-be throne, as I am still the one who determines the leaders and kings of this world.

And while some might think I am delayed in enacting justice for the hardship and suffering caused by the sinfulness of their political leaders, the truth (though not yet widely seen) is that I am moving through the adversity, and turning to good what was meant for evil.

Therefore be encouraged this day, for indeed the dominoes have begun to topple over. This cascade of judgment shall continue uninterrupted until every last world leader and their conspirators have been knocked from their high towers. Those who thought themselves untouchable because they are of the more privileged sect shall find no comfort or protection from their societal status, as there is nothing in this physical realm that can resist My sovereign will from coming to pass.

So that the influence of the current leaders of Canada is broken off believers must pray from This Foreign Leader | My Daily Letters - MDL

Do not think that the passage of time means that I have forgotten the prayers of My children. I have not! For the One who is faithful has remained true to His nature, and therefore, a response to your pleas has already been issued.

Then stand upon the promises I have spoken, and rest assured that in the coming days they shall unfold before your very eyes.

But this does not mean My troops are finished with the current battle. On the contrary! For as it was when the children of Israel were contending against the enemy in order to take the Promised Land, and because they didn’t fully drive them out, their enemy would continue to dwell amongst them, so, too, must My children today war against the evil found in their land; yet, fight with an unrelenting attack until every enemy stronghold is beaten back and this ground is fully recovered.

So contend for your brethren who are your Northern neighbors, as My flock in this region has already come under heavier demonic oppression because the one leading their country has given his heart to the enemy, and is, therefore, no friend of Mine.

Pray that this foreign leader is driven out of his seat and that the evil policies he has implemented are stopped. For though a leader may be removed, that does not mean his influence is also gone. This is why My children must survey the ground to make certain the land is completely cleared of any demonic footholds.

Therefore, persevere, and do not give in to weariness now…for there are still battles to be won!

“Little by little I will drive them out ahead of you, until you become fruitful and possess the land.” -Exodus 23:30


(Received: 6/8/2021)

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