Roll Up Your Sleeves

by Lori Anne Hale
The laborers are few though the harvest is plentiful so Roll Up Your Sleeves | My Daily Letters - MDL

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Upon this Rock I have built My Church: upon this Chief Cornerstone, I have laid its foundation, thus creating a well-fortified structure that shall remain standing throughout the generations of man. Though Satan has tried to prevent its spread, the boundaries of My Kingdom continue to expand, for everywhere the Gospel is preached, many more are added to its number.

Then like an army who has been given a clear objective, My troops march onward, seeking the lost and those oppressed by the devil, as their standing command is to set free the captives and rescue the prisoners: all those who are bound in chains by the enemy. And while this charge has been given to every soldier who lines My ranks, regardless of their title or position within the current church structure, those who have been given all the authority of Heaven walk with their head down in an attempt to avoid personally interacting with anyone who might be struggling or in need. In a manner similar to an ostrich who sticks its head in the sand so as not to see the trouble all around, so too, have these soldiers put on spiritual blinders to intentionally obstruct their view, for these lack the care and compassion that should be evident in those who follow Me.

So while a physical structure is constructed with wood and nails to create a sturdy frame, My House is built with people, those individuals whose lives now stand upon the foundation of My Son. Then to see this divine building project continue requires a laboring force made up of believers who have laid hold of this greater vision, which is: to establish My Kingdom here on the earth. And although the borders of the Church are advancing, yet, how much wider would My territory span if each believer would speak up and share their faith?

Gods plan for building the Church does not contain walls so Roll Up Your Sleeves | My Daily Letters - MDL

However, most are content to let their fellow brethren bear the weight of this work without lifting a finger, for they are simply unwilling to become co-labors for the purposes of Christ. And while they believe themselves to be an active part of this Kingdom expansion (because they fill a service role at their local church), this does not fulfill their obligation to the Great Commission.

But this has become the common attitude found amongst the general population of My Body, as the central focus of most congregations rests upon the running of their local church services, while just outside their doors, many are perishing: those whom they have been called to seek out and save.

Then who is willing to opt-out of this “service project”: this narrower version of being the Church? I tell you, My building plan does not contain walls, and therefore, its reach stretches into every region where mankind is known to dwell.

Know this: that it’s not just in some distant land where the lost can be found, for the mission field for most of My children is their local community; the neighborhood where you are planted is the area you have been tasked with building. So roll up your sleeves and get to work, as it’s through the willing hearts of believers just like you that see the furtherance of My Kingdom on the earth.

So intercede on behalf of your local community. Then, be watchful, looking for every opportunity to share the Good News of your Savior.


“Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” -Matthew 9:37-38

(Received: 6/13/2021)

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