Heed My Warning

by Lori Anne Hale
For the enemy's next attack many believers are easy targets from Heed My Warning | My Daily Letters - MDL

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Then like a voracious beast that is quietly stalking his prey, the enemy has been plotting his revenge against My people, those who are known as the children of God.

So out in the tall grass, he waits, hoping to cover his movements, hidden behind the thick weeds of bureaucracy and government. And while some in My flock have detected his presence, having caught a whiff of his stench carried in the breeze, many more of My sheep still have not realized their close proximity to danger, making them easy targets for the enemy when he attacks, as these sheep cared little for the shepherds’ repeated warnings to stay out of the clearing, where they shall be easily snared by the fowler, caught in the ambush he has set. And yet, most of these casualties could be avoided, but that would require My flocks to seek the shelter of small pens, those protected folds that are hidden from the enemy’s direct line of sight.

And still, these sheep have persisted, thinking they knew better than the shepherd, for from where they are standing, the surrounding area appears serene. Though there was some inclement weather that kept them from enjoying these larger paddocks, yet because this storm has passed by, they see no reason to stay locked behind a gate and have their movements restricted.

So out into the open, these have run, prancing about as if nothing has changed, for these foolish sheep have missed the greater threat that is about to be unleashed upon them. And though My sheep have every legal right to freely dwell in these meadows, prudence would be the wiser choice in this late hour. But who among these arrogant sheep will discern the danger before it’s too late? Which of them will pause long enough to detect the call of their shepherd, beckoning them back to safety?

Since very few are apt to listen to Me, they have entered these clearings at risk of their own peril, for they have strayed off the path of My will. And although there is still time to correct this error in judgment, few shall be the number who actually heed My warning. 

So while some will be stunned when this vicious assault comes, you who are paying attention should back away now from these paddocks, lest you, too, are found out in the open when the enemy steps up his attack against the Church.

“But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” -Luke 11:28

(Received: 7/8/2021)

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