Appointed To Run

by Lori Anne Hale
Before leaping believers must wait on the Lord until Appointed To Run | My Daily Letters - MDL

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What good is zeal if the one who is running was not asked by the King to deliver the message? Isn’t this one, then, simply exerting useless energy on a mission to which they weren’t assigned? Then if the appointment has not been confirmed by Me, not a single soldier from My ranks should step out of their place, as oftentimes, those with an overeager heart have the propensity to run ahead without My consent.

And while these soldiers are well-intentioned, unless they receive orders stamped with My seal of approval, then their efforts will be in vain, because a soldier must always wait until he is commissioned to speak on behalf of his King.

Recall then, the story of young priest Ahimaaz, who was considered a man of good character. Though he desired to deliver the news of victory to King David, another was chosen to be the messenger. However, even when counseled to stand down, in his zeal, Ahimaaz ran ahead.

And while the one appointed, a Cushite, chose a slower route, it did not negate his responsibility as postman that day. Even while he carried sad news, yet because it was his assignment, when King David was told that his beloved son Absalom was dead, the words were received without generating the expected reaction, for this runner gave a thoughtful answer, one which assuaged David’s anger; unlike Ahimaaz who blurted out what he thought the king should hear.In believers passion for the Lord's purposes must be tempered by His hand until Appointed To Run | My Daily Letter - MDL

Then what was the point of Ahimaaz’s zealous dash to the palace, when his message only contained a partial truth? It was, in fact, that it lacked the particular knowledge the king was waiting to hear, for it wasn’t until the chosen messenger showed up that the complete message was heard.

And so, while having a fervency for serving My purposes is commendable, this passion must be tempered, so that even though this internal flame remains consistent, it does not suddenly burn out from overexertion, as when a soldier who acts on his own initiative strives in his own strength to complete a self-appointed mission. For unless dispatched by his High Commander to intervene in a matter, a soldier should not proceed, as he will not have the needed counsel to impart godly wisdom that will shift the issue at hand into alignment with My will, which is the reason Ahimaaz did not know success.

Understand, therefore, that charging ahead without My consent will actually hinder instead of help the working of My hand, regardless of the circumstance. For if you are not the one charged to intervene, then you should remain standing in place, awaiting My orders. Yet, since amongst My own there is still the propensity to leap without looking, throughout My ranks I have placed advisors: those who hold a greater level of discernment, who should be sought out when clarity is needed. For while charging into a circumstance may seem like the right thing to do, it is best to wait until I have spoken My wishes, for another may be more well suited to intervene. 

Then the lesson to be learned from young priest Ahimaaz is that it is not enough to have zeal for My cause, those enlisted into My ranks must be appointed to run.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us…” -Hebrews 12:1

(Received: 7/21/2021)

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