An Ancient Configuration

by Lori Anne Hale
Down an ancient path God is calling believers to follow Him from Ancient Configuration | My Daily Letters - MDL

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Service in My kingdom is not a “spectator sport”, which means none who are called should be found standing on the sidelines, watching as their fellow brethren are actively engaged out on the field. So, whereas, in the temporal realm, when a contest is issued between two rival teams and only a few who are more athletic actually participate in the game, I expect all who are Mine to assist in the challenge at hand.

Yet many are still the number of these players sitting in the stands, like fans dressed in championship colors who are out to support their favorite athlete or club, happy to cheer their teammates onward from the safety of their comfortable seats in the bleachers. And so, every week, row upon row is filled with the faithful who have yet to make it down to the field, as these have been under the false impression that only those “more qualified” have permission to join the huddle, or execute any of the Coach’s plays, all because time and again, it was made clear that they simply weren’t gifted enough to be on this “elite” squad, and so, therefore, they should be satisfied with their position as spectator.

It is those charged with helping to develop players, who have, in most cases, missed the mark, because for too long they have used the wrong criteria to select which athletes should be chosen to their rosters. Those that then don’t measure up to these narrow-minded standards are cut from consideration without as much as a second thought. For who would choose someone to be one of this league’s representatives that doesn’t physically look or act the part?

But who told these overseers that this was the will of their Coach when He gave the instructions for which players fit onto His team? Was the outward appearance or personality even listed as criteria? If not, then why have either of these been used as factors in My “houses”?

And while it’s true that some believers have no desire to be more than mere spectators, there are others who were intentionally overlooked by their leaders due to petty or superficial bias, who, right now, I have called to be up on the line of scrimmage. But since they have not been encouraged that they, too, can man the field, the internal confidence needed to rise up and step into their true calling is missing, as it is a diminished sense of identity which they carry.In God's Kingdom believers are called to be more than mere spectators from An Ancient Configuration | My Daily Letters - MDL

Fortunately for those of My own who have felt minimized by their leaders, I have come in this hour to break them free from this myth. For it is not up to other believers to quantify another’s worth to My Kingdom, as I am known to choose the most unlikely of sorts to advance My lines. Then know that a “leveling” has come upon the Church, as this top-heavy structure does not reflect the vision which I cast long ago. For in My “houses”, all are measured as equals, with none being left out because they are viewed as socially stunted or are absent allure.

It is an ancient configuration that I am, therefore, re-erecting: one that has been thought by many to be outdated, because, to them, the current team formation appears less complicated, where only a few have a voice, and the rest simply follow their direction.

Yet what I have in mind gives everyone room to join My huddle out on the field, for unto each one I have given a role to play on this divine team. However, this can only be accomplished if My Body will forego what they consider to be the Biblical flow of the Church. But since most are unwilling to leave this format behind, I am on the move, searching for those who will partner with Me on this venture of reclamation, where I assert My earlier plan so that among this generation of believers the Ekklesia re-emerges in the earth, where everyone among this divine community is seen as being vital to its flow and function, and, as a consequence, are eagerly embraced into each fold.

Then gone are the days where My higher purposes are thought to be accomplished in giant meeting halls or larger congregational houses, for I am done with the assimilation methods used by the Church to herd the masses. My focus has been, and always will be, on the individual; training them up to walk as disciples, because each child I created was uniquely designed to fit perfectly into the assembly of believers, as co-equal laborers in My ever-unfolding plan to save the lost of this world.

So come away with Me now on this ancient path, for this is the direction I am leading My children. Even though its form may resemble something from the past, because “I” established this holy blueprint, it carries an eternal relevance that will never become obsolete, and which should, therefore, be set as the operational standard for not only this current expression of the Ekklesia, but for each successive generation as well.

“For through the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgment, as God has allotted to each a measure of faith. For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.” -Romans 12:3-5

(Received: 7/12/2021)

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