Achieving Perfect Balance

by Lori Anne Hale
In their own hands many believe the path to inner harmony rests from Achieving Perfect Balance | My Daily Letters - MDL

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I am the remedy for all of mankind’s struggles! I am the cure for all of his pain and suffering, and it is My power alone that can change a life and put it on the right road.

Though many would like to believe they themselves are sufficient, sadly, those with this mindset will always come up short of finding fulfillment, no matter how much effort they put in to harmonize their lives. For there is nothing within man himself, or the world around him, that has not been corrupted by sin. Therefore, any answers given from either of these sources cannot fix him to a permanent state of well-being. So then, every time another issue arrives at his doorstep (unless I am the one consulted for advice), his own options will only suffice to bring temporary peace, where striving to maintain a sense of balance in his countenance is all that he knows. For those who have embraced the philosophy of transcendence have yet to taste the sweet flavor of victory, or know the triumph of battle by facing their inner demons and winning.

Because many still insist on walking through life on their own terms, this conquest is lost before it has begun. For their self-perception rests on being “more enlightened”, and as such, see no problem with engaging the opposition on their own, stepping out unprotected onto the battlefield, alone, without My shield or buckler. Then, when these are soundly defeated because the philosophical tools of humanism didn’t work, oftentimes I receive the blame for not coming through, even though they refused My help, and would not consult Me or ask My opinion. In reality, when a man fails and lets himself down, he rarely places the onus upon himself, regardless of his “illuminated” status. For man tends to shift the responsibility for his mistakes over onto another, so that in his mind he is not the one culpable, and therefore should not be held accountable if there are any repercussions from his choices.

However, when a person’s behavior is exposed and he is found bearing the guilt, how will he pay for his mistakes? What form of reparation will serve as the correct penalty for all the wrong he has done? Is there any deal to be struck or bargain made that can wipe his slate clean of every infraction? How much good must he do to balance out all of his wrongs and the bad things he has done? For surely by now mankind has evolved enough to resolve this dilemma, and has reached a higher plane of enlightenment than the one held by his predecessors. Or, is he still centuries away from achieving perfect balance within himself to be in harmony with the world around him?

There are some who believe that once this alignment is set between man and nature, a tranquil utopia will form where every creature coexists in peace, living together on the same level of consciousness, forming a universal rhythm and order, where all living beings flow together in complete unity, and none would be found harboring a grudge, as unkind thoughts would not exist, and each individual would dwell with all others in a unified collective. 

But how does all of Creation arrive at this state? Is it simply by adapting to a “new age” philosophy? How does a single person undo all of his past mistakes; those that leave him with an unsettled conscience?The order of a man's life is set back in correct alignment in Jesus alone from Achieving Perfect Balance | My Daily Letters - MDL

Using these humanistic tools to center his inner self won’t rid man of guilt or dispel any negative feelings for very long, because meditation, mantras, or even guided visualization, doesn’t hold the power to alleviate the shame he carries. For these religious ideas rely upon empty promises, as the ascendance to a higher plane of consciousness is only a made-up lie by the enemy. The peace sought by those who embark on this mystical journey cannot be found using this form of spirituality. For when, according to these cosmic teachings, a human being “passes over”, he has no guarantee that he will connect with the next dimension of existence, or transcend to the next level.

Then, how can he know if he has done enough good to ensure himself a safe passage through? If there exists no way to measure for a certainty that he has completed enough positive transactions to counteract the negative, thus canceling out every selfish choice he made throughout his days, then who can be confident of the claims made by this type of philosophy? And if “doing good” is the standard set in these teachings, who is the judge of what is considered acceptable? Isn’t this also subjective to the individual, and don’t they then decide which actions are considered wrong? 

Yet many have embraced these alternative teachings and follow after self-development studies as the answer to their inner struggle, hoping to generate enough positive vibrations so that all the negative energy surrounding their being will be brought into balance. But what these have yet to realize is that there is only one gracious act that can offer this kind of serenity; only one perfect deed that can bring lasting peace that has already been given as a gift to humanity. For when My Son laid down his life, this perfect sacrifice carried the power of “inclusion”, and the strength to erase every person’s mistakes. Giving up His life for all others was the only acceptable measure I would consider for absolving mankind of their sin. Yet, this beautiful transaction has been missed by so many, for they believe the path to harmony must require more effort, and can only come when they have done enough for the universe to be pleased.

However, there is a much easier path to finding inner tranquility that only requires an affirmative answer be given. For then, even the long-forgotten errors of youth are translated over into righteousness, without any stain left to impune the character of those who accept My Son as Savior. In Him alone is the order of a man’s life set back into correct alignment, because He created the opening through His sacrifice so that man is now able to connect directly with My Presence (without the use of any added steps). And by choosing Him, and believing that He alone reigns supreme, there is an assurance given to each soul that trusts in Him, which states: “It is finished!”.

So then true joy can abound, with no ill effects of retribution to be found; only for a soul basking in continual rest, for these have finally found that the way to eternal paradise exists only through this name: Jesus.

“Simeon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ: May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.” -2 Peter 1:1-4

(Received: 8/12/2019)

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