Out With The Old

by Lori Anne Hale
Through a renovation process God is taking the Church from Out With The Old | My Daily Letters - MDL

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The trumpet has sounded declaring the beginning of a new year, and while societal upheaval will continue around the globe, in the midst of the turmoil I shall build My house, increasing not only its width but also its depth by breaking through the shallow foundation that was laid in the recent decades.

Then to see the breadth broadened with more than flimsy walls, a pure Gospel must once again be preached, since for too long what has been presented from many pulpits is a diluted version of the Truth, resulting in a generation of believers that are still clinging to the ways of this world, thus very little depth can be found amongst them. So because the majority in My Body is content to remain in this state, and in order to see the next building phase is completed properly, those haphazardly placed interior walls (which are vapid doctrines embraced as being Scripturally sound) shall be torn down, for the new depth of revelation I am about to usher in cannot be grasped by the spiritually immature.

And so I am declaring, “Out with the old and in with the new!”, which means My children should be prepared for this renovation process to begin, as I am not content with the condition of the Church as she now exists. Then surely the faith of many shall be challenged as this revelatory shift emerges, for it shall cause a reconsideration of their beliefs about Me and what it actually means to be a child of the Most High King.

Then just as it is with any remodeling project, these areas within the structure of My Church that are unstable must be addressed, so that when the new framework is added, the overall building will be sound and able to endure the future tribulation that is sure to come. For if My Son was despised and rejected by the world, so, too, shall it be for those who follow after Him.

Therefore the current Church is no exception, which means trying days lie ahead, for a provoking spirit has been unleashed upon the nations of the earth, sent to incite evil uprisings to come against believers, causing persecution to rise in communities that had before not known violent attacks. Yet to endure this level of demonic oppression requires unshakeable faith, which can only be known by those who have developed an intimate relationship with Me, where the world and its trappings have been discarded in exchange for a life lived in pursuit of My Presence. For any that choose this path know a greater reward lies on the other side of this temporal realm, and so won’t be easily intimidated to deny Christ as their Savior.

Then let it be understood by My own that the shaking which is about to hit the Church is not to bring them harm, but is the vehicle I have chosen to wake up My children from their stupor. For if left to themselves, very few would give up their comfortable existence in order to experience a deeper walk of faith.

So as this new year is ushered in, know that a major shift is about to happen within My Body, one that will ultimately affect the flow within the operational gatherings of the institutional church. Yet do not fret when these more difficult days arrive, but instead turn to Me and be at peace, for I am working through the struggle to build and strengthen My overall house, readying it for a broad expansion.


“You’re blessed when your commitment to God provokes persecution. The persecution drives you even deeper into God’s Kingdom. Not only that—count yourselves blessed every time people put you down, or throw you out, or speak lies about you to discredit Me. What it means is that the truth is too close for comfort and they are uncomfortable. You can be glad when that happens—give a cheer, even!—for though they don’t like it, I do! And all heaven applauds. And know that you are in good company. My prophets and witnesses have always gotten into this kind of trouble.” -Matthew 5:10-12 (MSG)




(Received: 9/6/2021)

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