
by Lori Anne Hale
The only path that reaches straight to the Father is Jesus as Messiah from My Daily Letters - MDL

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Those I consider illegitimate children cannot find Me because they are forbidden from entering My dwelling place, kept from receiving the true inheritance which only comes to those whom I call sons and daughters. For those who have been accepted into My assembly are bid welcome only if they bear the markings of My Son upon their chest. Unless the sign of His sacrifice is born in their hearts, the door to My presence is bolted shut, for none has the right to push through this barred entry unless His name has been inscribed upon their being.

But alas, many have tried to breach this secured portal through more religious means by relying on customs and old teachings that came long before My Son set foot on the earth. Because these have followed after their family heritage by observing “sacred” traditions, I am still set off at a distance, as these have heard about Me but have yet to truly know Me as their Father. For what orphaned child can petition for acceptance unless the adoption papers have been signed? How then can the fatherless claim to be an heir unless a legal contract has been written, where the one who was once a stranger is grafted into the family tree?

For even those who boast of coming from the priestly bloodline of long ago are not considered legitimate sons or daughters, since there is only one name, Jesus Christ, that is now esteemed over My Kingdom, as His name alone is held in the highest reverence throughout My courts and hallowed halls. However, many who have embraced the “old ways” are unwilling to accept the prophetic fulfillment which rang true through His life and death. Therefore, though these, in the natural, are considered My “people”, if they still cling to the past covenant, there is nothing but darkness waiting for them in the hereafter because Jesus is now known as the Chosen One, and so it is His followers alone that can claim any standing in My realm. 

For what I had established on the earth long ago when My “people” were found wandering, was not meant to continue past the time when the Messiah appeared. Jesus’ arrival has rendered the observance of these special days and seasons as unnecessary, because He not only fulfilled the obligation of each one but became the replacement, meaning: there exists only a single requirement (which overrides these previous conditions) for gaining the title of My kin, it is the recognition of His name as Savior that affords this right to any. And because He had no earthly wife or children, all who desire to become a part of His line must be adopted in. Only through Jesus Christ does man have standing in Heaven from Messiah | My Daily Letters - MDL

So now there are no earthly descendants of My Kingdom. Even if some could trace their heritage back to Moses, this natural pedigree does not warrant any special treatment with Me. Therefore, the claim of being from My “people” no longer carries the same weight as it once did, for it is not a natural heritage that holds value any longer for Me, where a single race or nationality is set apart from all others and considered favored just because their ancestry is derived from a certain tribe. Then, those who ascribe to rabbinical teachings and laws should re-examine what they believe to be the truth, and take a closer look at the original teachings about the coming Messiah, for the one who is given acclaim must, in fact, fulfill each word of prophecy spoken by those from centuries before.

Yet, to even satisfy a few of these predictions would rest outside of man’s own capabilities. But Jesus, My Son, answered them all, leaving none with an incomplete status. Therefore, He should be esteemed as being more than a historical figure, for His life, death, and resurrection perfectly consummated what the Prophets had written. Although the prophetic words were all met and testify to the validity of His name, many who come from His own culture remain unconvinced about the divine deity of His nature, and so choose to reject Him without hesitation before really investigating His claims. 

However, for the one who is willing to set aside their preconceived ideas about the Messiah, and will take an unbiased look at His life, these will find the much-awaited arrival of the Chosen One has already come. For if Jesus Christ is the King of all Kings, then to accept Him as Savior should be reconsidered, as He is now the only path that reaches past death and leads straight to My heart, as Abba, Father.

So for those who are longing to experience something more than can be found in their rituals and traditions, don’t let preconceptions prevent you from lowering your guard down just a little to the possibility of this being true. For no matter what you have been taught over the years, let the evidence you find be the proof that guides your decision. If you do, there will be little doubt left in your heart that Jesus is the Christ, who came as the Messiah to save mankind, and then ascended to Heaven after His resurrection, there to forever dwell in the Highest position as the only True Heir to My Kingdom.

For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love, He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will— to the praise of His glorious grace, which He has freely given us in the One He loves.” -Ephesians 1:4-6

(Received: 11/4/2021)

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