
by Lori Anne Hale
Only through Jesus Christ is entrance into heaven granted from Irrevocable | My Daily Letters-MDL

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A soul’s true consolation cannot be known apart from Me, for I alone am the source of the comfort he needs, the only way of full reconciliation for all of his transgressions and evil deeds. Yet, without My internal prompting, not a single person would think to look in My direction, nor consider how desperate is their plight. Unless I bring awareness to his depraved state, man will continue to live just as he is, without remorse, immersed in his sin.

That being said, untold thousands will be the number who still reject Me. For though, at first, he may have held a certain level of ignorance surrounding his lowly condition, once My gentle prodding upon his heart brings the undeniable truth to light (which is that his very soul is corrupt), man is left without excuse for continuing on in this manner. 

And yet, great shall be the multitude who are unwilling to change the direction they are headed, as these are not grieved by any of their failings or wrongdoings (those immoral thoughts and behaviors that shall be counted against them when the final judgment is called), and, as a result, they shall surely perish.

However, a man’s soul needn’t know such a grim fate, when this harsh penalty can be easily removed. The decision to change, though, is ultimately up to him, as no one is ever forced to submit to My will, nor accept My offer of redeeming grace. But because the pull of his flesh is strong and rests diametrically opposed to My ways, there is an automatic resistance within man to the news of his great need. For even though built into each human being dwells the knowing of right from wrong, most will consider the nature of their transgressions as only slight, and therefore, are under the delusion that paradise still awaits them on the other side of this life.

Unfortunately, once life passes by, there is only one fate for anyone who is found in that state, for their eternal destiny is then irrevocable, as every last shred of hope has then vanished, with no opportunity left to become one of Mine once a man’s soul has departed for the hereafter.Because they continue to break God's laws unbelievers are like repeat offenders from Irrevocable | My Daily letters - MDL

Then, those who have hardened their hearts towards Me are like repeat offenders who have disregarded My statutes, having surely broken My laws, while in the process showing little to no remorse for their wanton sin. And while most who are living, when asked about the condition of their soul would reply “all is well” (since, according to them, every choice they’ve made is somehow justifiable), yet lest none forget, there is a way that seems right to man that, in the end, leads straight to death. For if left to himself and without My intervention, not a single person, save One, could ever meet the needed requirement to receive the crown of everlasting life: that treasure which awaits everyone who has turned to Me in repentance.

Although “perfection” is My demand in order to attain that coveted prize, because within the heart of man lies every kind of evil, I knew he would never meet this high standard, as the sin of the first fallen man has contaminated the whole world and all of its inhabitants, which, therefore, could only be reconciled if another came (that “second man Adam”), the One who did not bear the markings of sin, the One who knew no shame.

Then those who do not recognize their perilous state are like the proverbial frog found in a pot of simmering water, sitting untroubled though real danger is near, oblivious to the threat of eternal darkness which only increases as their mortality slips away with each passing day, moving their soul closer to being fully consumed by the lake that burns with fire.

And so now the hour has arrived for many who are distant to be drawn into My fold, for My Spirit shall move upon the earth and usher into existence a great harvest. However, this number does not exceed the amount that will still refuse salvation, as some shall lose their last opportunity to be rescued from eternal damnation. Then indeed these souls shall be engulfed in that bottomless pit of eternal darkness, as this is the destiny for anyone that has exhausted every last chance to change. And while I desire that none should perish, I won’t violate My law of free will, which means each individual has a say in his or her final end. 

Therefore, no one should decline any of My invitations to be saved, for who can know when this determinative moment has arrived. So let none delay their acceptance of My Son as Savior. Let them call out His name today and seek My forgiveness, for this posture of surrender guarantees a soul’s entrance into My Kingdom.

Don’t put off responding any longer to that pull within your heart, and allow this quickening to lead you to the foot of My altar. For it is only here that you can be certain of your eternal future, finally putting your soul at ease, as the answer to your deepest need has now been met.

For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man.  For as in Adam all die, so in Christ, all will be made alive.” -1 Corinthians 15:21-22

(Received: 10/8/2021)

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