The Perfect Moment To Act

by Lori Anne Hale
This nation God has not abandoned from The Perfect Moment To Act | My Daily Letters - MDL

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The pronouncement of judgment has fallen, and shall not be rescinded, as the time to recant has expired for those who feared man more than Me. The ones who made public oaths to uphold the laws of this land and protect her borders thought this to be only a symbolic gesture but forgot that their words were given as a promise before the only Righteous and True King.

Then upon this declaration, the door of reversal has been shut, and cannot be reopened, as these cowards were graciously given enough room to turn around, but have instead held to the path paved by corruption, greed, and despicable deeds, refusing to budge from the direction they are headed. And although these self-serving fools had plenty of opportunities to make a stand for justice, their hearts were overtaken with panic, afraid their sins would be uncovered, thereby caving to intimidation, having determined that protecting their own reputations outweighed keeping their oath to serve this nation.

So while it may seem that too much time has passed in order to see any form of retribution befall these spineless leaders, those who looked the other way and allowed evil to have its way, I have been waiting for the perfect moment to act.

Then one by one I shall remove them from prominence, taking away their influence and name, for very soon they shall only be remembered for their betrayal and treasonous acts, which is a fitting end for the traitorous. Ruination shall, therefore, be their portion, and dishonor their inheritance, for how can the likes of these judges, politicians, and civic leaders ever be trusted again?

And so the sound of ‘judgment rendered’ can be heard falling upon their lives, like the bang of a giant gong, letting all who can hear know that the King has issued his ruling, having rightly discerned the hearts of these conspirators, finding them guilty and unrepentant of their sins.

Know then that the one who sits on the highest bench will have no choice but to step down, for shame and disgrace are about to come knocking upon his door, exposing the darkness he sought to keep secret, leaving him nowhere to hide. Then another, and another shall be brought down after him until each of these I have rightly judged is held accountable for their part in the rebellion against My Sovereignty, as I have not forgotten that act of sedition, where those evil doers sought to usurp My will and authority.

And so these cowards who have been shrouded behind political favors and bureaucratic red tape shall be uncovered, as I bring forth the revelation of their true nature, which shall, in turn, cause them to lose every ounce of credibility in the sight of their peers, and in the eyes of the American people.

Then know that ‘the One who sees’ has not abandoned this nation, having remembered My children who dwell on her land. Do not, therefore, accept the enemy’s lies of defeat, nor give in to the weariness that is threatening to overtake you because of this prolonged battle. Continue to stand on My promise of “victory”, for surely you shall see Me triumph over the enemy if you remain steadfast and committed to this fight.

“When the wicked thrive, rebellion increases; but the righteous will see their downfall.” Proverbs 29:16

(Received: 12/16/2021)

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