Swift And Sudden

by Lori Anne Hale
In leadership believers should expect more disruptions from Swift And Sudden | My Daily Letters - MDL

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Then those who are no longer fit to lead shall be relieved of their duties, for too many of those charged with overseeing My ranks have abused their positions, offering leniency to themselves and their families wherever gross sin is found.

So while My grace covers a multitude of those infractions, that does not give believers, especially those who have donned the title of “pastor”, the freedom to entertain iniquitous behavior within their own households. For those who stand in the public square teaching how to live upright and Holy lives must, themselves, abide by these same Scriptural tenets. Although I have given room for My children to stumble here and there, these overseers have allowed conspicuous sin to dwell in their homes, with some engaging in worldly behavior of their own. 

Then just as it was with Eli and his sons, where I ended their priestly lineage, I am calling for a stop to the practice of family-led ministries, where the overseers’ children are given preferential treatment, and, in most cases, are automatically placed as ‘leadership heads’ simply because their parents are the pastors. This habit has become like an “Achilles heel” amongst My Body, as true leaders are being overlooked in an attempt to keep ministries from slipping out of family hands, thereby weakening her overall strength. For it is then that specific believers are prevented from functioning as I intended because a ‘foot’ can never become an ‘arm’, even if it is puffed up and given that title.

Then I shall move these inhibitors out of the way and raise up leaders that are of no relation to the overseers of the day, for the loyalties of these soldiers reside only to Me, and as such, are not bound by nepotistic chains: that form of bondage which has brought defilement into My congregational houses. And so now that I have finished assessing the condition of each overseer, I have seen which can be trusted to complete their commissions as assigned, and which will be called back from active duty. 

Then like a whirlwind, My hand shall move through the Church, carrying off those overseers and leaders I deem unfit for service, as I have rightly judged that their hearts will remain in a compromised state, unwilling to call their families into account for the evil done in My sight, nor repent for their own unrighteous acts, as arrogance shall continue to rule their lives. 

Therefore, in this new season, change after change shall be known in the Church, for surely the prideful shall fall, making room for new voices to be elevated. Then let none be disheartened when more disruptions come to My ranks, for I am working to purge the lower expectations which believers have accepted as normal behavior from their leaders. I am done with any archaic beliefs about clergy and laity that have governed My children: those that divide instead of uniting, where overseers are treated like kings who have little to no personal interaction with the majority of their congregation.

Then swift and sudden shall these changes in leadership occur, for this paradigm shift must be brought forth now so that the new configuration of the Church can fully manifest on the earth.

So let none who are Mine be found mourning over what was, but instead let your hearts be filled with joyful anticipation, for this generation of believers shall bear witness to the greatest harvest ever known to the Church, with numbers that shall far exceed any earlier moves of My Spirit, thereby greatly expanding the borders of My Kingdom among the nations of mankind. For here is the reason the Church was birthed, so that My wayward children could be restored to right relationship with their Heavenly Father.

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” -Isaiah 43:18-19

(Received: 1/4/2022)

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